T iteenchallenge.org 1 TEEN CHALLENGE CORE VALUE 4 Vision
T iteenchallenge.org 2 TEEN CHALLENGE CORE VALUE 4 Vision -- Seeing beyond the present
a. Vision is seeing in our mind or spirit something that could happen in the future. b. God gives Christians spiritual vision. (something God wants to do.) c. God gives leaders and staff spiritual vision to know what God wants to do in our ministry. d. Sometimes vision comes as a burden from God T iteenchallenge.org
a. Vision gives us direction. b. Vision gives us passion. c. Vision gives us perseverance. d. Vision inspires us to grow. e. Vision gives us hope T iteenchallenge.org
a. Seek God for His will, His vision, and His direction. b. Realize sometimes the vision comes in small pieces. c. The vision may come from different sources: the Bible, other people, times of prayer, or something in our everyday life T iteenchallenge.org
a. Addiction destroys hope. b. An addict’s only vision is for more drugs. c. Addiction limits vision to today. d. Addiction destroys the vision of family and friends T iteenchallenge.org
a. Instruct them that God has a plan for their lives. Jeremiah 29:11 b. Teach them the ways God reveals His will for our lives. c. Give them examples from the Bible and today of God’s direction in the lives of His people. d. Encourage them to ask God for His vision/goals for their lives T iteenchallenge.org
T iteenchallenge.org
For further study we recommend you read chapter 4, “Vision,” in the book Our Core Values, by Dr. Jerry Nance (Available from Teen Challenge USA and Global Teen Challenge). 9 T iteenchallenge.org
Global Teen Challenge Training materials for this course are available at the following address: T iteenchallenge.org