Are Bad Things Supposed To Happen To Christians?
3 Views About Suffering 1.Accidental View 2.Personal Responsibility View 3.Faith View
10 Questions We Ask About Suffering 1.Why Did This Happen? 2.Why Does God Allow Suffering? 3.Didn’t God intend for there not to be any suffering? 4.Is Suffering supposed to happen; If I am a good person, why do I experience suffering? 5.Suffering seems unfair?
10 Questions We Ask About Suffering 6.Am I responsible for my suffering? 7.Am I asking the wrong question? 8.What is the purpose of suffering? 9.Does God cause me to suffer? 10.Why does it seem that “bad people” don’t suffer, but “good people” do?
6. Am I responsible for my suffering? James 1:14-15 James 1:14-15 Romans 7:21-23 Romans 7:21-23
7. Am I asking the wrong question? Zephaniah 3:5 Zephaniah 3:5 Matthew 5:45 Matthew 5:45 1 Peter 3:18 1 Peter 3:18
8. What is the purpose of suffering? Romans 5:3-5 Romans 5:3-5 Zechariah 10:6 Zechariah 10:6 Jonah 3:10 Jonah 3:10 James 1:2-4 James 1:2-4 1 Peter 1:6 1 Peter 1:6 2 Corinthians 7:10 2 Corinthians 7:10 2 Chronicles 30:9 2 Chronicles 30:9
9. Does God cause me to suffer? John 14:30 John 14:30 1 Timothy 4:4 1 Timothy 4:4
10. Why does it seem that “bad people” don’t suffer, but “good people” do? Romans 5:8 Romans 5:8
Why do bad things happen? A Folk Tale