Don McClain 1 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Acts 10:34-35 (NKJV) 34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: "In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. 35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him. Don McClain 2 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Romans 2:8-11 (NKJV)... 9 tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek; 10 but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who works what is good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 11 For there is no partiality with God. Don McClain 3 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
1 Peter 1:17 (NKJV) 17 And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one's work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear; Don McClain 4 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Don McClain 5 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Don McClain 6 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Don McClain 7 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
“ Christianity is not the only way because clearly others tell us they know God by other religions.” “ Christianity is not the only way because clearly others tell us they know God by other religions.” Don McClain 8 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Don McClain 9 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Don McClain 10 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Don McClain 11 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Don McClain 12 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Don McClain 13 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Don McClain 14 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Hebrews 9:27 (NKJV) 27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, Don McClain 15 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Romans 14:10-12 (NKJV) For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. 11 For it is written: "As I live, says the Lord, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God." 12 So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. Don McClain 16 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
2 Corinthians 5:10-11 (NKJV) 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. 11 Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men;... Don McClain 17 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Matthew 25:31-33 (NKJV) All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. 33 And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. Don McClain 18 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
John 12:48-50 (NKJV) 48 He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him--the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day And I know that His command is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak." Don McClain 19 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Matthew 7:21-23 (NKJV) 21 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, Don McClain 20 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Matthew 7:21-23 (NKJV) 22 “... and done many wonders in Your name?' 23 And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!' Don McClain 21 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
2 Thessalonians 1:7-10 (NKJV) 7 and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, 8 in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power,... Don McClain 22 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Don McClain 23 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Don McClain 24 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007
Don McClain 25 West 65th St church of Christ / 12/30/2007