Olga Trujillo, J.D. Olga Trujillo Consulting The Impact of Child Abuse: A Personal Journey Revealed
Goals Explore the Power of Resilience Examine How We Cope Develop a Deeper Understanding of Trauma & Dissociative Disorders from the Inside Out Explore How You Can Help
Warning My Experience Pictures Take Care of Yourself State the Obvious “Washington Speak” Accent
Bottom Line You Can & Do Make a Difference Enhance Your Trauma Informed Approach Learn more about Trauma & Dissociation Look for Signs Adapt to Us Learn from Us Work to Undo
At your bookstore
We Find: Flat demeanor Hysterical demeanor Blank Stare Can’t Remember…..
We Find Not Truthful Promiscuous Behavior Defends Abuser Speaks in a non-linear manner (all over the place)
Whats that About? Trauma Dissociation Accommodating Initiating
What’s This About? Assess Credibility Learn about the Impact of Trauma Apply it to Your Credibility Lens
Impact of Abuse Psychological ‣ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ‣ Dissociative Disorder ‣ Anxiety & Panic Disorder ‣ Major Depression ‣ Phobias
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Nightmares Night-sweats Flashbacks Hypervigilance Startle Response
Dissociative Disorder Numbing Spacing Losing Time Inability to Concentrate Addictive Automatic Response
Dissociative Disorder Spectrum From Normal to MPD Co-Consciousness Separate Sense of Consciousness Light headed and dizzy Thoughts That Felt Compelling Automatic Response
Anxiety & Panic Disorders Extreme Anxiety Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ‣O‣O bsessive Worry ‣P‣P anic Attacks
Major Depression Suicidal Ideation Lack of Concentration Sleeplessness Loss of Appetite
Phobias Claustrophobia Agoraphobia