Jesus- started religion After his death religion carried on by his disciples Also wrote down stories from Jesus’s life (Holy Bible)
Catholic Church-largest landowner in Europe All Christians in W. Europe were Roman Catholic People needed the church to stay out of hell Church members were only people that could read 1050 C.E. the Catholic Church is largest land owner in Europe
Church leaders were corrupt More concerned with money than God
Pope now chosen by cardinals (no outside influence) Priests can’t get married
No more simony The buying and selling of church offices No more lay investiture Ceremony where church officials received their offices from feudal king or lord
Pope Gregory VII Ended marriage of priests and simony Married priests had to abandon their family Henry IV German ruler who did not like this. Went against the Pope and the Pope Excommunicated him. Excommunication- kicked out of the church 1077 Henry travels to Pope to ask forgiveness and ends his excommunication (Pope wins)
Interdict no church ceremonies could be held in the land of someone who was excommunicated Concordat of Worms Only the Church could grant a Bishop a ring and staff But lords and kings could still present land to church officials
Bishops Held Church power outside of Rome, enforced Canon Law “church law” Heretics Someone with different or no religious beliefs Inquisition 1225 Church experts who went out to find and judge Heretics
Dominicans Spanish Friars named for Dominic. Good scholars and wore white robes Franciscans Italian named for Francis of Assisi All creatures were spiritual brothers and sisters. They wore brown robes
Romanesque (old style) Gothic Style Churches that had more room, more height, and more light 50yrs to make.
1. Ribbed Vaults This allowed for stain glass windows
2. Flying Buttresses Helped support a massive structure
3. Pointed Arches Emphasize height (point to heaven)