powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Bible Study Guide Jul Aug Sep 2009 Adult Bible Study Guide Jul Aug Sep 2009
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Ekkehardt Mueller Principal Contributor
John’s Epistles Contents 1. Jesus and the Johannine Letters 2. Experiencing the Word of Life 3. Walking in the Light: Turning Away From Sin 4. Walking in the Light: Keeping His Commandments 5. Walking in the Light: Renouncing Worldliness 6. Walking in the Light: Rejecting Antichrists 7. Living as Children of God 8. Loving Brothers and Sisters 9. Believing in the Son of God 10. Confidence 11. Important Themes in 1 John 12. John’s Letter to the Chosen Lady 13. Power Struggle INTRODUCTION FIRST EPISTLE SECOND EPISTLE THIRD EPISTLE
John’s Epistles Our Goal {5} The three epistles of John speak to issues relevant for the church today. We would do well to listen to them, because ultimately, it is God who is speaking to us through John’s words, the God who has revealed to us truths about a greater and firmer foundation upon which we can rest: our Creator and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
John’s Epistles Lesson 10, September 5 John’s Epistles Lesson 10, September 5
Confidence Key Text 1 John 5:14 RSV “And this is the confidence which we have in him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.” “We are sure of this.” LB “We have courage.” TEV “We have this assurance.” NIV
Confidence Initial Words {59} Life is full of uncertainty! Facing this, we do our best, trying to protect ourselves from troubles the best we can, and yet, in the end our best efforts can guarantee us nothing. But what about God? And God’s promises to us? Are they not certain? How can we live without confidence and assurance when it comes to God?
Confidence Quick Look 1. Basis of Confidence (1 John 5:13-20) 2. Confidence, Now (1 John 5:14-17) 3. Confidence, Tomorrow (1 John 5:13)
Confidence 1. Basis of Confidence 1 John 5:13 MSG “ My purpose in writing is simply this: that you who believe in God’s Son will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you have eternal life, the reality and not the illusion.”
1.Basis of Confidence Having Confidence {125} First John 5:14 contains the word confidence, which also has the meaning of “assurance,” “boldness.” According to Heb 4:16 and 10:19, Christians can draw near to the throne of God with confidence. Why? Because (1) Jesus shed His blood for them on the cross; (2) Jesus has ascended to heaven to serve there as High Priest on their behalf.
1.Basis of Confidence Having Confidence {125} The same term is used in 1 John 4:17 talking about “confidence” or “boldness” in the day of judgment. Christians are not afraid of judgment. They rely on what Jesus has done for them. Their confidence is not in themselves. Or what they have done or could ever do. This confidence rests, instead, entirely on Jesus.
Confidence 2. Confidence, Now 1 John 5:14, 15 NKJV “Now these is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.”
2. Confidence, Now According to His Will {129} We can come to God with all our joys, burdens, and requests … money … intervention … healing. Do we know that He will send us a check, straighten our kids, or heal us? Not necessarily. When Jesus prayed in Gethsemane, He added to His prayer “Your will be done”; and God did not deliver Him from the cross.
2. Confidence, Now According to His Will {129} However, if we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness, God does not put us on a waiting list; rather, we can have confidence that, as we end our prayer, forgiveness has become a reality. Whenever the will of God is revealed in Scripture and we claim that expression of His will, we know that the prayer is answered.
2. Confidence Of Being Protected {131} Verses 18 and 19 refers to the world as the arena of the evil one. On the side of the conflict, the disciples of Jesus are found together with God the Father and Jesus. These believers are protected by Him. Jesus keeps them and does not allow Satan to touch them. Therefore, they are able to say No to sin and to withstand temptations.
1 John 5:13 TEV “I write you this so that you may know that you have eternal life—you that believe in the name of the Son of God.” Confidence 3. Confidence, Tomorrow
Having Eternal Life {127} First John 5:13 surpasses the other texts in the New Testament that deal with everlasting life. They mention a condition and contain a promise (e.g. John 3:36), but 1 John 5:13 states that children of God should know that they have eternal life. It is not an option, something that can be added to a Christian life or can be left out. God wants us to have assurance of salvation.
Some have taken this “confidence” of salvation and turned it into an “unconditional guarantee,” the idea of “once saved, always saved.” 3. Confidence, Tomorrow Having Eternal Life {127} The Bible teaches that there is assurance of salvation, but certainty can be lost through our own choices. We need to hold on to the crown of life by keeping ourselves daily surrendered to the Lord in obedience and in repentance and faith.
Confidence Final Words {133} John states that “we know.” We know Him who is true. The Son of God, Jesus, has come to this world and has revealed to us God the Father. This knowledge is not merely head knowledge but knowledge that leads us to a close connection with God.