OHIO Presented by: Danielle Baumgardner Mindy Braun Kim Fuller Tara Rislund
Table of Contents Strand 1- Websites and Activities Strand 2- Websites and Activities Strand 3- Websites and Activities Strand 4- Websites and Activities Strand 5- Websites and Activities Strand 6- Websites and Activities Strand 7- Websites and Activities
American Heritage Strands
American Heritage Activities 1. Discuss with students the early settlers of the Ohio region. Include the following: a. Where did the early settlers come from? b. Why did they come here? c. What was their journey like? 2. Place significant events in Ohio’s history on a time line. Include the following and any other relevant events: a. When Ohio became a state (1803) b. Ohio State Flag adopted (1902) c. Ulysses S. Grant (18 th President) ( ) d. William Howard Taft (27 th President) ( ) e. Warren Harding (29 th President) ( ) 3. Study Native Americans that lived in Ohio. More specifically research the traditions and culture of Native Americans from Montgomery County.
American Heritage Activities cont. 4. Visit the Ohio Historical Center in Columbus. The students will attend an exhibit on historical artifacts found in Ohio. 5. Students will make a mobile out of hangers, paper, and other art materials, containing several important figures from Ohio. Students will use the following website to look up information:
American Heritage Web Sites This website provides various information about the state of Ohio. This website is an “online encyclopedia” for kids on Ohio. This website contains visitor information on Central Ohio.
American Heritage Websites Cont’d This website contains information on cultural celebrations in Ohio. This website provides information on the Ohio government and the decisions they make. This website provides information on the cities in Ohio.
People in Societies Strands
People in Societies Activities 1.Talk about the population of Ohio a. There are 11,353,140 people living in Ohio b. Ohio is the 7 th largest populated state 2.Discuss large cities of Ohio and where most people live. (largest populated areas) 3.Discover the diversity of Ohio by exploring the diversity of the students in the classroom. Have students find out from their parents where their ancestors originated.
People in Societies Activities cont. 4.Have a cultural festival where students find a creative way to display their family heritage to share with the class. 5.Make Venn diagram displaying the likes and differences of the cultures within the classroom.
People in Societies Web Sites This website contains information on people in history from Ohio. This website offers directions on how to find information on family ancestors. This website give you access to census information on any state.
People in Societies Websites cont’d This website provides information on what archeologists really do. m This website gives information on the different cultures in our society.
World Interactions Activities 1.Using a globe have students identify where Ohio is. 2.Using a map have students identify the city and county they live in. 3.Using cardinal directions have students identify the states that are north, south, east, and west of Ohio. 4.Have students pick an Ohio tourist spot they would like to visit and have them write what they would do there, how they would get there, and estimate how long it would take to get there. Brochures, books, and internet sites will be provided for students to get information from. 5.Using a map have students identify regions in Ohio where Native American tribes lived.
World Interactions Web Sites This website gives information on the symbols and emblems of Ohio. This website provides basic facts on the different properties of Ohio. This website contains information on the Cincinnati Museum.
World Interactions Websites cont’d This website contains information on the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. This website has information of the Newport Aquarium located in the Cincinnati area.
Decision Making and Resources Strands
Decision Making & Resources Activities 1.Talk with students about local businesses. 2.Classify local businesses as providing goods or services. 3.Have students find products made in Ohio. 4.Have students organize the data from the collected information about goods and services into a bar graph. 5.Have students write a letter to a local business owner asking them to come into the class and share their business with them.
Decision Making & Resources Web Sites This website is an online magazine that has information on Ohio businesses. This is a website on the local business, Reynolds & Reynolds. It offers basic information on the company. This is a website on a local restaurant called Max & Ermas.
Decision Making & Resources Website cont’d This website has information on businesses throughout Ohio. This website contains information on the local business Elder Beerman.
Democratic Processes Strands
Democratic Process Activities 1.Students will work in groups and research the different political offices within their community. For example: mayor, school board members, trustees, city commissioners, treasurers, etc. 2.Students will take a field trip to the local county court house. Students will be given a tour and explanation of the business that goes on within the court system. 3.Students will hold a mock election to discover the electoral process. Each student will participate in the election process by either running for an office, being a campaign manager, voter, etc.
Democratic Process Activities cont’d 4.Students will work in a group to come up with a law that they would want passed in the classroom. Groups will then hold a debate to discuss their law/issue. 5.At the beginning of the school year, students will vote on 3 rules that they would like to have in the classroom.
Democratic Process Websites this website contains information dealing with the city of Columbus and their departments. this is the official government website for the city of Dayton, Ohio. this website is dedicated to educating young people on the importance of voting and substaning democracy.
Democratic Process Websites cont’d this website is to help promote and encourage responsible citizenship to students so that they are lifelong voters. this website helps kids learn about the voting process.
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activities 1.Discuss the words Respect, Responsibility, Citizenship, and Rights and what they mean to the students. Have students bring in a newspaper article. The articles will be read in class and then discussed to how the terms discussed pertain to the article. 2.Have students work collaboratively to create a seasonal mural for the wall outside the classroom. This demonstrates how students will respect the rights of others, show empathy for the feelings of others, and assume responsibility for his/her own actions. 3.Have students study the Bill of Rights for the United States and the state of Ohio. Ask them to discuss how they feel about these rights and if changes should or could be made to them.
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activities 4.Have students plan, cooperate in the implementation of, and reflect on a community service project. 5.Hold a Citizenship Bowl. After students have learned the rights and responsibilities that citizens in Ohio and the U.S. should know, hold a Bowl Game.
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Websites this is the official site for the Dayton Daily News; it will allow students to research articles. this website shows professional artwork by Ohio artists. this is the official constitution of the state of Ohio.
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Websites cont’d this website talks about the community of Cincinnati. this website contains questions to be used in the Citizenship Bowl.
Science, Technology, and Society Activities 1.Have students research the Wright Brothers. Then take field trip to the Air Force Museum. 2.Have students research the manufacturing of gasoline and the inventor. 3.Have students research Thomas Edison. Have student recreate the way Edison created the lightbulb. Then have students create a new way to work with light. 4.Have students research John Glenn and Neil Armstrong. Students will visit the Challenger Center to learn what it is like to be an astronaut. Then have students write creative paper about what it would be like to float in space. How they would feel, the sights, sounds, etc. 5.Have students collect aluminum cans and then visit a recycling center.
Science, Technology, and Societies Websites this website is about William Meriam Burton, famous Ohio inventor. this website is about Thomas Edison. this is the official website for the Challenger Center; but there are centers found all over the world.
Science, Technology, and Societies Websites cont’d this is a website about Ohio astronaut John Glenn. this website is about Charles Barton Hall, the inventor of aluminum.