Canada Holds Many Unique Tourist Locations! Canada is know for its possession of some of the most rare and beautiful forests and animals. Canada is also the proud owner of part of the Great Rocky Mountains. Wouldn’t you like to be able to see these majestic mountains and dense deciduas forests? Well, you can! Canada has many locations and centers that help you get the best experience you have ever had.
Frank’s Slide Interpretive Center Come take a visit to the Frank’s Slide Interpretive Center which highlights the rich history of the Crowsnest Pass amid the breathtaking beauty of the Canadian Rockies. You will experience a variety of interpretive programs, presentations and special events. Displays throughout this Center feature the 1903 Frank Slide, the Canadian Pacific Railway, European settlement, early underground coal mining and community life. Pathways around the Centre provide spectacular views of the Frank Slide and surrounding area.
Canadian Redwoods Canada is home to the biggest and most majestic tree there is on this earth, The Canadian Redwood! These giant behemoths provide cover for Canada’s forests and also provide over 10,000 seeds for animals to eat. Their cones are the size of your fist! These majestic beauties are threatened and Canada is one of the few countries that grow these naturally in their own habitat.
More Information For more information on how to visit some of Canada’s most beautiful and historic landmarks, or more information on these and other landmarks, please visit:
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