Imagine… Imagine you are creating a time capsule to inform future people about life in 2013. What do you include? Use a page in your notebook to draw items.


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Presentation transcript:

Imagine… Imagine you are creating a time capsule to inform future people about life in What do you include? Use a page in your notebook to draw items in your capsule.

Our time capsule

Agenda Time Capsule Types of Sources: Primary and Secondary Primary Sources from Civil War Working with documents Closure: A War is Ending Before you go…

What’s the difference: Primary and Secondary Sources PrimarySecondary

Primary Sources: War’s Major Events Civil war packets Leaders during the war

Wartime Culture Abolitionists- how did abolitionism relate to the Civil War? What kind of primary sources might there be about abolitionists? Secondary sources?

Artifacts of the War

Working with the documents… Try to analyze these documents based on what you have learned in social studies in the past. Civil War Packet- Page 4

What is a DBQ? Document Based Question 2 parts: Documents and Questions Essay

Analyzing a document 1. Read all titles and captions 2. Look for source and date created 3. Identify any key vocabulary 4. Look for symbols, people, places, and opinions 5. Ask why the document was created and who it was created for (who is the audience?) 6. Answer the questions. 7. Outside information box- draw a box below the questions and list related information.

Before you go… homework! Due tomorrow: Talk to a family member about 9/11. Write down 3 things you learn. Due Thursday: Pages 5 and 6 in the packet Do your best- we will discuss documents more during Thursday’s class