Physical Science Chapter 17 & 18 Review Game
All About Waves Did You “Ear” It Math and WavesElectro- Magnetic Waves 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points
These are the three types of waves. 1 pointCheck
What are the transverse, longitudinal, and surface waves? 1 point Back to Category Slide
The high and low points of a transverse waves are named these. 2 pointsCheck
What are the crest and trough? 2 points Back to Category Slide
From crest to crest would best be defined by this term. 3 pointsCheck
What is wavelength? 3 points Back to Category Slide
The name of the longitudinal wave part that has particles spaced closely together. 4 pointsCheck
What is compression? 4 points Back to Category Slide
Frequency of a wave is measured in this unit. 5 pointsCheck
5 points Back to Category Slide What are hertz (Hz)?
The name of the outer ear that is visible and suspect to frostbite. 1 pointCheck
What is the pinna? 1 point Back to Category Slide
The names of the 3 smallest bones of the body. 2 pointsCheck
What are the hammer, anvil and stirrup? 2 points Back to Category Slide
This canal structure helps provide balance and coordination. 3 pointsCheck
What are the semicircular canals? 3 points Back to Category Slide
Another name for the eardrum. 4 pointsCheck
What is the tympanic membrane? 4 points Back to Category Slide
This structure changes sound waves to electrical impulses. 5 pointsCheck
What is the cochlea? 5 points Back to Category Slide
A wave on a rope has a frequency of 3.3 Hz and a wavelength of 1.2 m. What is the speed of the wave? 1 pointCheck
What is 4.0 m/s? 1 point Back to Category Slide
Another wave on a rope has a wavelength of 200 cm and a frequency of 2.0 Hz. What is the speed of the wave? 2 pointsCheck
What is 4.0 m/s? 2 points Back to Category Slide
The speed of a wave is 5 m/s. If the frequency is 8 Hz, what is the wavelength? 3 pointsCheck
3 points Back to Category Slide What is 0.63 meters?
An earthquake produces a “p” wave that travels 230 m/s. If the wavelength is 50 meters, what is the frequency of the wave? 4 pointsCheck
4 points Back to Category Slide What is 4.6 Hz?
A water wave has a wavelength of 0.7 m. If the frequency of the wave is kHz, what is the speed of the wave? 5 pointsCheck
What is 3.5 m/s? 5 points Back to Category Slide
This type of E.M. wave allows televisions to work. 1 pointCheck
What are radio waves? 1 point Back to Category Slide
This wave is used by a thermogram and helps create pictures that show variations in heat. 2 pointsCheck
What are infrared waves? 2 points Back to Category Slide
This wave helps produce vitamin D in the body. It also causes the body to wrinkle and eye damage. 3 pointsCheck
What are Ultraviolet rays? 3 points Back to Category Slide
This type of ray is used to kill cancer cells and make pictures of the brain. 4 pointsCheck
What are gamma rays? 4 points Back to Category Slide
These rays are often times used at airports to look into suitcases and other baggage. 5 pointsCheck
What are X-rays? 5 points Back to Category Slide