Privacy & Confidentiality Protecting Privacy in Fieldwork Learning & Instruction
Basic Principle: Confidentiality Instrumental but not Ultimate Relative but not Absolute
Levels of Confidentiality Biggs & Blocher (1987) Foundations of ethical counseling
Levels of Confidentiality (a) First Level divulge information in careless, casual or irresponsible ways Unethical!
Levels of Confidentiality (b) Third level maintain confidential in whatever situation except in a clear and direct threat of human life Try not to convey to client of this level
Levels of Confidentiality (c) Second Level Conditional disclosure clear danger or threat to client or third party’s life suspected child abuse under legal obligation with client’s consent
Practical Guidelines: Collecting Information collect those which is relevant and necessary explain the purpose, usage & result for collecting information get client’s consent for taping or involving 3rd party
Practical Guidelines: Access to Information only relevant and/or authorised person can access to it for the purposes of social work intervention or for administrative usage
Practical Guidelines: Report & Recording code instead of names in recordings/notes except in official files avoid specific client details in log use accurate substantial & verifiable fact instead of judgments
Practical Guidelines: Storage of Information keep it in a safe place, e.g. locker try to keep it in office and carry it away when it is really necessary do not store in a computer which can be accessed by the public
Practical Guidelines: Disposal of Information no recordings (printed copies or disk copies) with specific client data should be kept by student after placement disguised files can be kept selectively for academic purpose
Practical Guidelines: Communication Do not use fax (unless specially arranged) Do not ask unauthorized 3rd party to deliver the communication Do not disclose client data in open area
Practical Guidelines: Portfolio Do not include client identifying data in it Sufficiently covered Submitted to the Department directly within a specified period Destroyed by student/Department after moderation
Breach of Practice Academic Review (warning, failure, repeat placement etc.) Legal Action
Wish you a happy fieldwork experience!