Page 1 Child Psychopathy ? Childhood Conduct Disorder Lia Sutisna Latif STIK-PTIK 2011
Childhood & Adulthood Anti Social Behavior See summary
Diagnosis CD A repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated, as manifested by the presence of three (or more) of the following criteria in the past 12 months, 6 months one criterion: A.Aggression to people and animals B.Destruction of property C.Deceitfulness or theft D.Serious violations of Rules
Aggression to people and animals 1) Often bullies, threatens, or intimidates 2) Often initiates physical fights 3) Has used a weapon that can cause physical harm to others (bricks, knife) 4) Has been physically cruel to people 5) Has been physically cruel to animals 6) Has stolen while confronting a victim (e.g., purse snatching, extortion)
Destruction of Property 7) Has deliberately engaged in fire setting, with the intention of causing serious damage 8) Has deliberately destroy others’ property
Deceitfulness or theft 9 ) has broken into someone else’s house, building 10) Often lies to obtain goods or favors or avoid obligation 11) has stolen items without confronting
Serious violations of Rules 12) has run away from home overnight at least twice while living in parental 13) is often truant from school, beginning before age 13 yrs
Childhood Conduct Disorder 3 / more of the following: Diagnosis is made in individuals under 18 Animal Cruelty Broken into buildings or cars Cruelty to people Destroyed property Destruction of other people’s property Fire-setting deliberately Lies often Runs away from home overnight more than once Stolen more than once Truants frequently (the list includes other things)
Incident : Columbine High School Massacre Tuesday, April 20, 1999 Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold See the video
Younger Teenager Violations Eric David Harris & Dylan Klebold Killed 13 people, injured 24 others, three of whom were injured as they escaped the attack Harris and Klebold were very unpopular students and frequent targets of bullying at their high school.[6] They eventually began to bully other students; Harris and Klebold had written journal entries about how they themselves had bullied younger studentsbullying[6]
"Everyone is always making fun of me because of how I look, and how.. weak I am.. Well, I will get you all back: ultimate..revenge here. You people could have shown more respect, treated me better, asked for my knowledge or guidance more, treated me more like senior, and maybe I wouldn't have been as ready to tear your.. heads off" and "Whatever I do people make fun of me, and sometimes directly to my face. I'll get revenge soon enough....shouldn't have ripped on me so much, huh!"[[
Harris was influenced by sadism, whereas Klebold was influenced by revenge 9 mm Hi-Point 995 carbine, one of the guns Eric Harris usedHi-Point 995 carbine 9 mm TEC-DC9 pistol, one of the guns Dylan Klebold used
Probability Probably 1 % of the general population is a psychopath Fine & Kennet (2004): 50 % - 80 % of prisoners have antisocial personality disorder
Precursors Farrington (1996) Low family income Poor Housing Large Family size Convicted Parent Harsh / erratic parental discipline Low intelligence Early school leaving
Major Predictors of Antisocial Personality Disorder at different ages Age GroupBest Predictors of antisocial personality 10-year-oldsPoor parental supervision Low School attainment at age 10 Poor child-rearing by parents at age 8 14-year-oldsSeparated from parent at age 10 Low non-verbal IQ at age 8 – 10 years Many friends at age 8 18-year-oldsConvicted parent at age 10 Father not involved at age 12 Father not employed when child was year-oldsConvicted parent at age 10 years Did not stay at school Hospitalised for illness at age 18 years
The Boy Killer
Edgar Jimenez Lugo alias El Ponchis, who authorities said was born in San Diego, was wanted on suspicion of killing rivals — allegedly beheading some of them — as part of his work for an especially violent drug-trafficking cartel. "I've killed four people by chopping off their heads," the boy reportedly said after his capture. "I just cut off their heads; I never went and hung the bodies from bridges or anything like that."
AWARE OF! Haaspasalo & Tremblay (1994): Each boy : fights with other children, kicks, bites, hits other children, bullies or intimidates other children Cycle of abuse The child is subjected to physical abuse grow up to be a violent teenager & adult? Or grow up to be a parent who abuses their own children? Female/woman : physically abused by their partners are persuaded by the man
Treatment PMT (Parent Management Training) Social Skill Training Medication Prevention *Treated easily because effective in young children’ * Substantial costs :education, health