Providing a solution for collaboration
Group Sites Purpose/Mission Group sites are intended to foster collaboration amongst diverse groups for example student organizations, working groups, search committees, and inter-CSU collaboration.
Group Sites Working Group Scope: Define the types of groups that will could use collaboration sites. Define the features that the sites could have. Select the highest priority group types and features to be able to implement in January/February Evaluate options: Drupal, Sharepoint Build the template and deployment -this would be done by DoIT (and AT if you want to be involved) not the working group Pilot and give feedback on the implementation
Survey feature results 18 total respondents Announcements: 38.9% Blog: 22.2% Calendar: 38.9% Discussion: 44.4% Document Sharing: 66.7% Forum: 11.1% Polling: 22.2% Wiki: 38.9%
Group Sites Configuration Using Atrium (Drupal) Current: Activity stream Blog Notebook Calendar Case tracker Folders Shoutbox Future: Questions & Answers ( Q & A) Video Chat Links Web form Atrium Reader (share news, image(s) & twitter feeds)
Current Configuration Dashboard Announcement Group Generic Group Support Group
Pilot Will begin in late February by: CTC Drupal Community of Practice