ChooseLife North Lanarkshire
Statistics 2008 there were 843 deaths by suicide in Scotland 61 suicides in North Lanarkshire 19 of which were female
Joint working ChooseLife implementation Group Chaired by North Lanarkshire Council (funding holders) NHS Lanarkshire Housing Addictions Mental health voluntary organisations
Service The service is managed by SAMH Provide training in ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills training),SafeTALK, and Tune Up Key part of Suicide Assessment and Treatment Pathway Written out “Suicide Don’t hide it. Talk about it” booklet with the New Zealand Ministry for health Design of the online mental health training site
Training Over 1500 people trained in ASIST Over 300 trained in SafeTALK 450 trained in STORM Including young people at school (over 16 years), Taxi drivers, students and volunteers MindSET; over 650 people have completed the course
Health Promotion/ Awareness raising Taxi’s Buses Local awareness campaigns Links with Physical activity and mental well being Mental Health Arts and Film Festival SoundMinds Motherwell Football Club
What can we learn?
Level’s of Co-ordination