1 For his contributions to the observational study of distant Type Ia supernovae that reveal the accelerating expansion of the universe, and the possible existence of dark energy. Adam Riess 2004 Sackler Price
2 hubblesite.org nominated “Hubble:Galaxies Across Space & Time” awarded b est short film at the Large Format Cinema Association 2004 Film Festival Amazing Space for excellence in web site dedicated to the promotion of public awareness of astronomy
3 Appointed AUI President Ethan Schreier AUI is the not-for-profit science management corporation that operates the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) under a Cooperative Agreement with the National Science Foundation (NSF). Associated Universities, Inc.
4 Appointed Chair of the Michelson Science Center Oversight Committee Peter Stockman
5 Gemini Observatory High Resolution Near Infrared Spectrometer Concept Design Study selected P. Greenfield (STScI PI) HRNIRS, a facility class instrument, will provide high resolution spectroscopy between 1.1 and 5.0 µm. A pipeline for data processing is part of the package.
6 STScI staff members recently elected Councilor: Carol Christian Nominating Committee: Melissa McGrath Van Biesbroeck Prize Chair: Nolan Walborn
7 Steven Beckwith "These new members have made extraordinary contributions to their fields and disciplines through their commitment to the advancement of scholarly and creative work in every field and profession." Patricia Meyer Spacks, Academy President