Cultural Creative Industry Cluster Osijek János Keresnyei
Our goals: o create a network of cooperation between small and medium businesses o promote the establishment of an innovative economic milieu by means of the network-oriented development o contribute to the renewal of the current socio-economic structure About the cluster
o Establishment: 2006 o At present: 35 cluster members o the cluster management organization is self- supporting - its incomes originates from various tender sources About the cluster
o exploring R&D partnerships o development of enterprises in the innovation and cultural industry, integrating them into the cluster o organisation of cultural service provision o organising joint sales Activities of the Cluster
o managing joint development, production and service provision activities o PR and advertising material o developing international partnerships o supporting administration and project accounts o fund coordination and preparing tender applications Activities of the Cluster
References o CLUSTERS MEET CULTURE – EU project o CREATIVE CITIES – EU project o KOHÓ COWORKING HOUSE PÉCS – Open office o „Self-Starter” Local enterprise support programme for creative ideas o PÉCS LEXIKON - Pécs City Lexicon o Gábor Baross Program Cultural Creative Industry development o South Transdanubia Film Fund o Architecture – Context – Economy – City cooperation and city strategy project o CinePécs International Film Festival o Project manager training for NGOs o „EUROPEAN ACCENTS IN PERM" PROJECT o „ÉVEZREDEK ÖRÖKSÉGE" – Heritage cultural quiz o European Capital of Culture – Junior sub-programme
Best Practice KOHÓ CoWorkong House Pécs An intellectual melting pot where creative ideas can meet each other, where the future begins.
Best Practice Self-starter program o 40 candidates, 20 participants o 15 participnats decided to start their enterprise o 9 of them were able to apply for the 2 million HUF support o 150 Hours theoretical training, 10 instructor o 350 Hours practical training in 18 weeks o 8 godparents– 35 hours of consulting
Best Practice SEE CMC project Aims of the project: o spread the knowledge of production excellences across SEE o emphasizing the quality and originality o connect cultural aspect with already existing tourism flows o link tourism and local clusters joining manufacturing productions with artistic heritage and cultural production
Best Practice Zsolnay Guild Guild member - products Zsolnay Porcelainmanufacture -Zsolnay Guild brand - distribution channels - webshop - expo CCIPB - expo -exhibition -partnerships CICC - marketing - communication - coordination
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