P ARTNERSHIP IN S TATISTICS FOR D EVELOPMENT IN THE 21 ST C ENTURY Partner Report on Support to Statistics (PRESS) Results from the 2012 Round Focus on Asia-Pacific Findings
PRESS AIMS TO… Learn what development partners are doing in the statistical field and identify countries or areas of statistics in need of more support. Offer this information to financial and technical partners responsible for giving aid and to countries receiving it. Raise the profile of statistics within the overall context of aid to developing countries.
PRESS OFFERS THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION… Current and planned statistical support from partners. Statistical areas being supported. The period covered by each activity. The amount of money committed and disbursed. However, this is not an accounting exercise, but rather a tool for collaboration!
KEY FINDINGS OF PRESS 2012 Covering ongoing activities from
PRESS 2012 – Key Findings, by Recipient – Comparison of Global Estimated Commitments over Past Five PRESS Rounds
PRESS 2012 – Key Findings, by Recipient – Estimated Annual Commitments, by Geographical Region & Percentage of Global Total, Pre-2010–2012 Region Commitments (US$ millions) % Pre Grand Total Africa , % Asia-Pacific % Europe % Latin America and Caribbean % Unallocated* % Total1, , %
PRESS 2012 – Key Findings, by Recipient – Estimated Commitments to Main Recipient Countries, 2010–12 Aid concentration: Commitments to these 15 countries combined to equal 40% of total estimated commitments worldwide and 54% of total country- specific commitments. Recipient Country Total Commitments (US$) Overall Statistical Capacity Score India111,476,50781 Rwanda 96,789, Afghanistan 82,569, Tanzania 71,782, Indonesia 68,266, Bolivia 67,271, Nigeria 62,854, Central African Republic 59,347, Ghana 51,400, Albania 45,553, Kenya 43,883, Pakistan 42,701, Mozambique 41,562, Burkina Faso 38,269, Ethiopia 36,782,025 63
PRESS 2012 – Key Findings, by ESCAP Recipient – 36 ESCAP member states received aid to statistics in PRESS Aid concentration: Support to these 10 countries represented 87% of all country-specific commitments to ESCAP member states in PRESS Estimated Commitments to Main ESCAP Countries, 2010–12 Recipient country Total Commitment (US$ thousands) 1. India 111, Afghanistan 82, Indonesia 68, Pakistan 42, Vietnam 27, Cambodia 21, Bangladesh 18, China 16, Timor-Leste 13, Sri Lanka 12,184
PRESS 2012 – Key Findings, by Provider of Development Co-operation – Co-operation Provider Total (US$ thousands) European Commission / Eurostat600,942 73% of total The World Bank477,424 UNFPA301,126 United Kingdom292,346 Inter American Development Bank67,558 Canada61,725 Netherlands57,449 Sweden47,943 Food and Agriculture Organization46,425 African Development Bank39,520 Global Estimated Annual Commitments, by Key Co-operation Provider
Co-operation Provider Total (US$ thousands) The World Bank233,492 78% of total European Commission / Eurostat97,089 UNFPA72,592 United Kingdom38,071 Germany13,877 Canada12,217 Sweden10,064 Asian Development Bank9,370 UNSIAP8,187 UNESCAP7,969 Global Estimated Annual Commitments in Asia-Pacific, by Key Co-operation Provider 36 different donors supported statistical development in Asia-Pacific. PRESS 2012 – Key Findings, by Provider of Development Co-operation –
NB: To understand these figures, one must recognise that 87% of PRESS countries in Africa are either implementing or designing an NSDS, 76% in Asia-Pacific, 75% in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 83% in Europe. Aid Alignment with NSDS Aligned?% of responses Yes 40% No 2% Don’t Know 52% No answer 6%
PRESS 2011 – Support to CRVS in Asia-Pacific – RecipientProgram NameProvider Total Commitments (US$) Azerbaijan Improvement of the availability and use of population data disaggregated by sex and age UNFPA56,000 India Assessing the Quality of Civil Registration System in India and Facilitating Improvements UNFPA420,000 Lao PDR Increased Availability and Use of disaggregated population related data UNFPA150,000 Asia-Pacific, regional Supporting the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific (Phase III)- Statistics Component UNESCAP750,000 Asia-Pacific, regional Regional programme for the improvement of vital statisticsUNESCAP900,000
Conclusions Support to statistical development is increasing globally, although Asia-Pacific’s share is decreasing. Support is still concentrated in a very small number of aid darlings. There is room for improvement in aligning support with national strategies. A small number of donors dominate the scene in terms of commitments. Improvements in reporting to PRESS are possible. UNFPA is a good example to follow.