Educators Business Government
Organization: Smart Technologies Intel Corporation Projector Collaborative products for classrooms and meetings
Problems: Using Microsoft Windows applications Adapting Graphics Processor Speed Audience: Educators & Students Business Professionals Government Staff
Production & Marketing: Rough start Financial Hardship Alliance with Intel Corporation-1982
Knowledge – Educational Institutions, Medical, Broadcasting, Athletics Persuasion- School boards and administrators Decision- Benefits for adoption Implementation-Administration being able to provide adequate training Confirmation-Results from state standardized test.
Provide history and benefits of Smart Boards
Provide examples of Smart Boards in action with highly trained teachers.
Recognized School Districts Business Athletics
School Districts without funding People that are not willing to change Veteran teachers Bargain Shoppers
Observability › This would be the best way to get people in the education field to adopt innovation. › My school administrator would need to see documentation on results using this innovation.
Smart Technologies, ULC (2009). Company History. Retrieved September 30, 2009 from US/About+Us/News+Room/Media+Kits/C orporate+Media+Kit/History.htm