ISDR Asia Partnership Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of Disaster Risk Reduction Interventions in Asia and the Pacific Initiative of the ISDR Asia Partnership.


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Presentation transcript:

ISDR Asia Partnership Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of Disaster Risk Reduction Interventions in Asia and the Pacific Initiative of the ISDR Asia Partnership Supported by the Asian Development Bank under a Regional TA February June 2010 Presentation at the IAP Meeting, March 2009, Bangkok

ISDR Asia Partnership Background At the September 2007 meeting of the IAP, Stocktaking was identified by the IAP members as one of the 8 priority functions Preparatory Process for the AMC-DRR Preparatory Process for the Global Platform on DRR Regional DRR Strategy HFA Progress Reviews Monitoring the Implementation of AMC-DRR Recommendations Regional Mapping of DRR Initiatives Joint Regional Action Plan Alignment of Regional DRR Meetings At the 2 nd Meeting of the Expanded IAP held during the 2 nd Ministerial Meeting, November 2007 in New Delhi, a Working Group was established for the initiative and ADB expressed interest to support it. First concept note prepared by UN/ISDR on Regional Stocktaking. Concept Note revised based on inputs from the Working Group at the 3 rd Meeting of the Expanded IAP held in February 2008 in Bangkok. Full project proposal developed for ADB and shared by UN/ISDR with the IAP members on 27 th May 2008 for final inputs. After incorporating comments of the IAP members the final project proposal was submitted to ADB on 1st July Reporting on this at IAP meeting, September, 2008, Kuala Lumpur

ISDR Asia Partnership Importance of this IAP initiative

ISDR Asia Partnership Rationale Delhi Declaration of 2 nd AMCDRR calls for regular reporting of information on regional DRR initiatives. This would help in achieving – Greater coherence and better coordination at regional level – Prioritizing deliverables – Providing an enabling environment to strengthen the capacities of nations and communities to effectively address DRR In recent times regional partners, donors and governments have identified the need for greater coordination efforts and for increased transparency as to “who is doing what and where’ in DRR This Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of DRR Interventions would address these issues

ISDR Asia Partnership Benefits Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of DRR Interventions would contribute to: – Improved regional planning and programming on DRR – Highlight areas of cooperation among regional and sub-regional organisations – Add to the periodic progress reviews and reporting processes at regional and sub- regional levels – Assist donors and decision-makers to channel resources and efforts that can meet their own policy and programmatic imperatives Why IAP? IAP acts as the inter-agency forum supporting the functions of the Asia Regional Platform on DRR As a regional coordination mechanism is an appropriate vehicle to assist coherent regional strategy setting, and programming and progress reviews through improved information exchange.

ISDR Asia Partnership Expected Impact and Outcome - Stocktaking will improve Information sharing on past, ongoing and planned DRR initiatives for Better coordination and program planning by regional stakeholders Enhanced use of resources Reduced duplication Sharing of lessons learned Identification of gaps in DRR efforts at a regional level Impact Regional Stakeholders provide coherent support to the DRR efforts of national governments and address more effectively regional DRR challenges Outcome Regional policy makers are able to identify DRR progress and gaps for further interventions

ISDR Asia Partnership Outputs 1.Inventory of Risk Assessment in Asia Pacific 2.Regional Stock take of DRR initiatives 3.Interactive Knowledge Maps

ISDR Asia Partnership Outcome would be achieved by Develop work plan for information collection from various regional agencies Prepare a data collection template on DRR intervention to obtain information from wider stakeholders Regional Stock take; Document on DRR interventions in all sub regions of Asia and Pacific Identify and review available sources and information on hazards, vulnerability and risks Based on collated information an analytical overview of the regional risk patterns would be prepared highlighting potential information gap Inventory of Risk Assessment describing the wider context in which regional initiatives are undertaken Develop a template for an interactive knowledge map to update information On-line tool to collect & reflect the information collated on hazard and vulnerability information and regional DRR initiatives. Maps and charts to present the analysis Interactive Knowledge Maps linked to web sites such as Prevention Web and with a regular update strategy 1 2 3

ISDR Asia Partnership Beneficiaries The primary beneficiaries of the initiative will be: – National DRR stakeholders; national governments, UN agencies, research institutions, universities, private sector and donor agencies – Regional stakeholders in DRR such UN Agencies, inter- governmental organizations, research and technical organizations, NGOS and in particular the IAP members Results of the project will help in enhanced regional planning, programming and cooperation. Will benefit by receiving more coherent regional assistance and greater clarity on the type of support that may be able to access from the regional level to achieve their DRR goal

ISDR Asia Partnership Framework and Methodology

ISDR Asia Partnership Framework The analytical framework of the stocktaking will be guided by the HFA and its 5 priorities for action and by the Indicators as in the HFA Monitor

ISDR Asia Partnership Methodology Principles for data collection – Broad and inclusive overview of the information on DRR and related initiatives – Recording of information in neutral and uncontroversial manner – Building on and adding to the existing stocktaking and mapping initiatives – Adopting a user friendly approach to encourage participation for information sharing and access – Development of a sustainable tool which will serve to update information periodically in the region – Focus on regional initiatives Tools and Methods for data collection would include: Network analysis Web based and online databases Desk studies Participatory approaches Phone interviews Competency Mapping Questionnaire

ISDR Asia Partnership Building on past efforts Stocktaking and Mapping initiatives are NOT NEW to Asia or Pacific Typical drawbacks One –off exercise; not updated Not comprehensive in their thematic or regional coverage Not commonly known or easily accessible This project will build on these efforts and learn from their strengths and shortcomings Past and ongoing efforts on Risk Assessment 1.Global Risk Identification Programme (GRIP) 2.DesInventar in 5 Asian Countries by UNDP 3.Risk Assessment Analysis for Asia Pacific by UNOCHA 4.Disaster events database by ASEAN 5.Hazard and Vulnerability Atlas by Pacific Disaster Center Past and ongoing initiative on stocktaking and databases 1.Pacific Disaster Net (SOPAC) 2.Overview of DRR in Asia and Pacific (ISDR, ADPC and ADRC) 3.IRP Database 4.CBDRM Database (ADPC) 5.Prevention Web (ISDR system) 6.WWW, Indonesia (UNDP)

ISDR Asia Partnership Implementation Mechanism

ISDR Asia Partnership Implementation mechanism - Regional Stocking and Mapping is being implemented under the auspices of the IAP and the Asian Regional Platform -Implementation is guided by a Project Steering Committee comprised of the members from IAP working group on regional stocktaking and mapping ; ADB, ADPC, ADRC,ADRRN, IFRC, OCHA, UNDP, UN/ISDR, WB -Project steering committee is chaired by UN/ISDR -Working under the close guidance of the IAP, ADPC as a technical agency is the executing agency on behalf of the IAP -ADPC is working with ISDR Regional Office with weekly meeting between the both -ADB will monitor the activities through regular progress reports Steering Committee Responsible for Overall guidance, technical and advisory support to the EA and sub-contractors; Monitoring project implementation and progress; Taking decisions on project direction; Sharing progress reports and results with the wider IAP; Establishing linkages with information providers and other key stakeholders that need to be involved; Contribute own information to the stocktaking initiative; and capture and disseminate lessons learned.

ISDR Asia Partnership Project (System) Start Up

ISDR Asia Partnership Project (System) Start Up – Start of desk review of initiatives on Risk Assessments Developed list of existing initiatives Establishing contact with GRIP Discussions with UNOCHA – Initial design of questionnaire to collect information on regional initiatives In line with HFA monitor Making use of National and Sub regional HFA progress reports Existing Capability Mapping in the Pacific, discussion with SOPAC – Developing list of regional agencies, mechanisms, networks etc

ISDR Asia Partnership Initial list of existing initiatives on Risk Assessment

ISDR Asia Partnership Natural Hazards and Vulnerability Atlases, Pacific Disaster Center Description: Toolset combined with rich data resources to support a better understanding of risks to people and communities from natural hazards. The Atlas, collects, consolidates, transforms and shares information regarding the natural environment and the human interests at risk. Focus : – Natural hazards, “Major hazards” Tropical cyclones / Earthquakes/ Tsunami/ Volcanoes/ Floods/ Wildfires – Vulnerability- Population physical exposure to hazards and possible impacts on infrastructure Target audience: Governments organizations mandated with DM, and humanitarian assistance organizations Outputs - Interactive maps /Asia Pacific atlas/Global atlas The Atlas answers following questions: What hazards are likely to occur in a given region? How often will they occur and how intense will they be? Where are the current hazard events and what areas have they impacted? How many people might be affected? What is the potential impact on regional infrastructure?

ISDR Asia Partnership Online Southeast Asia Disaster Inventory, ACDM Description: Web-based disaster database that compiles historical records of disasters in ASEAN Member Countries, hazard maps and other spatial disaster-related data To facilitate disaster management information sharing among ASEAN Member Countries and support decision making processes at all levels of disaster management - from policy making to preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery activities. Target audience: ASEAN countries

ISDR Asia Partnership Global Risk Identification Programme (GRIP) Description Launched in 2007, coordinated by UNDP/BCPR Aimed at improving information on disaster risks and losses and facilitating the incorporation of that information into risk management decision making Aligned to HFA Priority for Action 2 Activities are concentrated in 5 areas: 1.Capacity Development 2.Risk Assessment 3.Enhanced Loss Data 4.Demonstration Countries 5.Global Risk Update GRIP to facilitate Sri Lanka workshop (30 March – 2 April)

ISDR Asia Partnership Disaster Inventory System (DesInventar) Description: A data collection and analysis methodology, launched in 1992 by La Red (The Network for Social Studies on Disaster Prevention in Latin America), sponsored by UNDP Aims to develop ‘disaster inventories’ to provide local officials with disaster- related trends and patterns, and to assist with the identification of vulnerabilities. Focus of data compilation at the national and sub-national levels. DesInventar activities in Asia: Iran, Indonesia, Nepal, Maldives, India (Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and Orissa states) Target audience: local level officials, institutions, provincial and national governments. Outputs: website, charts, maps, database, and reports

ISDR Asia Partnership Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis, World Bank Description Global view of major natural disaster risk hotspots - areas at relatively high risk of loss from one or more natural hazards. Data on the identified hazards are combined with state-of-the-art data on the sub-national distribution of population and economic output and past disaster losses to identify areas at relatively high risk from one or more hazards. Natural hazards: Earthquake/Volcano/Landslide/Flood/Drought/ Cyclone Vulnerability: High definition (sub-national) population distribution, economic output, and past disaster losses Target audience: Development agencies/ Policymakers Output: Annual Report

ISDR Asia Partnership Natural Disaster Profiles for Indian Ocean Countries, Earth Institute Description: Profiles for countries in the Indian Ocean have been developed to provide information on sub-national areas at risk from natural hazards including cyclones, droughts, earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and landslides. In addition to basic geographic and socio- economic facts, most profiles include maps that indicate how specific areas of each country rank according to a global index of risk for each type of disaster. Some maps are weighted by mortality, and others by the proportion of GDP impacted. Multi-hazard disaster maps show the combined risk from key hazard groups Target audience: Decision-makers Outputs: National-scale maps, by: – Hazard risk – Mortality risk associated with given hazard – GDP-damage risk associated with a given hazard – Multi-hazard disaster risk maps. Natural Disaster Profile 1.Bangladesh 2.Bhutan 3.Burma 4.India 5.Indonesia 6.Kenya 7.Malaysia 8.Maldives 9.Seychelles 10.Somalia 11.Sri Lanka 12.Tanzania 13.Thailand

ISDR Asia Partnership Risk Model, UNOCHA ROAP Description Risk Modeling to analyze hazards, vulnerabilities and response capacity at the country level using a range of qualitative indicators. Model is used to prioritizing OCHA’s work in the countries Hazards: Natural / Human –induced/ Socio- Political/ Climate Change/Pandemic Vulnerability: Poverty/Displacement/Food Security/ Water/Disease Capacity: Economic/Institutional/Infrastructure Target audience: UN OCHA Output: Focus Rating of Countries; done annually since 2007

ISDR Asia Partnership Other Initiatives EM-DAT (Emergency Events Database), maintained by the Centre for the Research on Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping (FIVIMS); FAO Mapping food insecurity and vulnerability Vulnerability Assessment Mapping (VAM); WFP Monitor and understand the food security of the population & assess their vulnerability to events that could lead them to a vicious circle of hunger. Database for Disaster Information, using GLIDE, maintained by ADRC. Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction (AIFDR) Work stream 2; Risk and Vulnerability

ISDR Asia Partnership Draft Questionnaire; data collection of regional initiatives

ISDR Asia Partnership Alternate Approach, to avoid questionnaire fatigue Agencies to provide information on their programmes and projects Title Scope Project Output Value Location Duration ADPC will collate the information as per HFA Priorities of Action and Indicators

ISDR Asia Partnership Resource Mapping Will build on the methodologies used for Resource Tracking such as by UNOCHA in Relief Web

ISDR Asia Partnership Attempts to capture efforts of governmental, international, and civil society partners. Coordinated by UNISDR and to be launched in June 2009 at GPDRR. Objective – Establish reference point for information on global disaster risk patterns and trends. – Increase understanding of relationship between development and DRR, especially with poverty trends – Strengthen UNISDR’s systems capacity for planning and joint programming at all levels by providing a global level review of national, regional, and thematic implementation of HFA 2009 Global Assessment Report (GAR) on Disaster Risk Reduction

ISDR Asia Partnership Pacific Disaster Net, coordinated by SOPAC South Asia Disaster Knowledge Network (SADKN), SAARC Disaster Management Center Stocktaking of DRR Activities at sub regional level

ISDR Asia Partnership List of Regional Agencies, Mechanism, Network for DRR 44 agencies in 5 categories: Regional Offices of UN and other organizations Regional Organizations Regional Networks Regional Mechanisms/Committees/Forums Regional Centers Next step identification of niche areas, capacities based on Pacific Framework Methodology

ISDR Asia Partnership Long term tool – Identify gaps in DRR (geographic and thematic) – Program synergy in national and provincial programs – Harmonized work plans at the Regional and National (?) level Interactive knowledge map (long term tool) owned and maintained by ISDR System in Asia Pacific Continued hosting and maintenance by Prevention web (ISDR), UNESCAP, UNDP BCPR, ADRC, ADPC, UNOCHA, SOPAC Presentation and utilization by Regional Meetings for reporting and periodic work plans; AMCDRR, IAP, UNESCAP, RCC, ACDR System Monitoring and Sustainability

ISDR Asia Partnership China; Atlas of Natural Disasters India; Vulnerability Atlas of India Maldives; National Risk Profile The Philippines; Hazard Mapping and Assessment for Effective Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (READY) (ongoing) Sri Lanka ; National Risk Assessment (ongoing) Mapping of Risk at National Level

ISDR Asia Partnership National HFA Progress Report National Action Plan; which includes stocktaking – Road Map for DRM, Sri Lanka – National Action Plan for DRR, Indonesia – SNAP, Cambodia – SNAP, Thailand – MAPDRR, Myanmar – SNAP, Philippines Stocktaking of DRR Activities at National level

ISDR Asia Partnership Indonesia; Disaster Reduction Risk Reduction Database: WWW (Who does What, Where), by UNDP (UN Technical Working Group) Stocktaking of DRR Activities at National level

ISDR Asia Partnership Regional stocktaking and inventory of risk profile is meant to support the National systems Though the focus is on Regional Actors, this should be linked to the national system In the long run effective National risk profile and stocktaking is the key Current resources do not permit focus at the national level. Subsequent phases can look into national level. Should feed into the Global Assessment Report

ISDR Asia Partnership List of Regional Entities (Agencies/Networks/Forums) Inventory of Risk Assessment; IAP members requested to add to the list Initial questionnaire for stocktaking; IAP members requested to provide inputs to the format and design of the questionnaire Documents circulated at the IAP meeting

ISDR Asia Partnership Joint letter from UN/ISDR and ADPC to all stakeholders Circulation of questionnaire to all regional entities (or alternate approach as suggested before) Discussions on possible involvement of database management firms? Steering Committee Meeting; May 2009? Periodic consultation with countries at ACDM Meeting, SAARC SDMC BOT, SOPAC Annual Meeting, ESCAP Committee, ACDR and RCC 1 st Training/Workshop, November, 2009 Next Steps