IDM; Makes IFC work! Janne Aas-Jakobsen Industry Day
Outline IDM definitionIDM definition Deployment challengesDeployment challenges Contracted Data InterchangeContracted Data Interchange ExampleExample Wrap upWrap up
IDM definition Contracted data interchange making sure that: –Information is available when it is needed –The quality of information is appropriate
IDM definition Funct. descr. -Functions -Calculation -Requirements -Contsraints Knowledge databases -Byggforskserien -Company knowledge db’s Rules and regulations -Plan and building law -Regulations BIM software -Drawings -Arch, HVAC, EL, CivEng SIMULATION -Comfort -Air, heating -Lifecycle costr -Light and sound -Insulation -Use -Fire -Environmanteal impact -Life expectancy Description -Beskrivelsestekster -NS 3420, -BOM -cost estimates Sourcing -Product databases -Price databases 4D -Schedule -Logistics FM -Renting, sale and use -Maintenance -Warranty Demolishing, re-use -Renovation -Demolishing -Reconstruct VRML -Visualisation -3D models Pictures from: Selvaagbygg, DDS, Byggforsk, NBLN University of California, CIFE Stanford, Pythagoras and Oluf Granlund Yo. IDM IDM IDM
IFC Challenges IFC does work What exactly is an IFC model or an IFC file ? standard format to describe a BIM how information should be provided/stored through a building project’s lifecycle. Will the same users produce the same model with different software? Will different users produce the same model with the same software? Is it enough to ask for IFC files in a project? IDM makes IFC work in business processes
Deployment Challenges Motivation to ask for a BIM/IFC ? Motivation to deliver a BIM/IFC ? Extra work paid specified validated Relation to contracts for various business processes How can users of software make sure they deliver what is requested, without having to understand every aspect of the BIM?
Current situation CAD manual -layout-measurement -line styles -layers BIM manual Wall Start Point -Lenght-Depth-Height -Connected walls -Attached spaces Point X coordinate -Y coordinate -Z coordinate Space Function --Occupant --Area BIMCAD
information geometricalinformationdocuments Task A Task B BIM IDM documents conceptdesignengineeringconstructionuseFM Task A Task B
Share the information of common interest through the process Pro ! +Single source of common data +One entry +Open Standards +4 (n) D visualization +Foundation for simulations +Early problem detection +Improved decision making
Defining What’s yours and what’s mineWhat’s yours and what’s mine Who are allowed toWho are allowed to UseUse ChangeChange WriteWrite What to exchange (no more – no less)What to exchange (no more – no less) BIM Share the information through the process Against ! -What’s yours and what’s mine -Who are allowed to Use Change Write -“Do I need to send it all?” -“What did I not receive?” Contracted data interchange (IDM) Pro ! +Single source of common data +One entry +4 (5) D visualization +Foundaton for simulations +Early problem detection +Improved decision making +Open standards
IDM Contracted data interchange
IDM Structure Process Map Exchange Requirement Functional Parts WallWindowDoorSpace Wall Length Width Xxxx ER building model energy analysis FP Wall Door Length Width Xxxx Window Length Width Xxxx FP WindowFP Door
IDM; Makes IFC work! An Eksample
Context Perform Energy AnalysisPerform Energy Analysis –Need to know whether a wall is an inner wall or an outer wall –Need to know space information –Need to know key indicator values –Need to know what kind of material the wall consists of
BIM all IFC information… Material Information Product Information FM Information Resource Information Cost Information Procurement Information Project Stages Project Type National Requirements Tasks Process Geometric Information Relationship Information
BIM Material Information Product Information FM Information Resource Information Cost Information Procurement Information Project Stages Project Type National Requirements Tasks Process Geometric Information Relationship Information
BIM Material Information Product Information FM Information Resource Information Cost Information Procurement Information Project Stages Project Type National Requirements Tasks Process Geometric Information Relationship Information
BIM Material Information Product Information FM Information Resource Information Cost Information Procurement Information Project Stages Project Type National Requirements Tasks Process Geometric Information Relationship Information
IDM One need to know what is wanted from the model in order to make a good modelOne need to know what is wanted from the model in order to make a good model –Define the process in which the model will be used –Define the information requirements ExampleExample –Energy Analysis cannot be performed on a BIM unless the required information is available when the analysis is to take place!
IDM Material Information Product Information FM Information Resource Information Cost Information Procurement Information Project Stages Project Type National Requirements Tasks Process Geometric Information Relationship Information Early phase Energy Analysis
IDM Material Information Product Information FM Information Resource Information Cost Information Procurement Information Project Type National Requirements Process Geometric Information Relationship Information Energy Analysis Detailed Design
IDM IDM target both BIM users and solution providers For BIM users simple to understand, plain language description of building construction processes requirements for information to be provided additional information that may need to be provided by the user For BIM solution providers identify and describe the detailed functional breakdown of the process describe IFC capabilities needing to be supported for each functional part in terms of the entities, attributes, property sets and properties required
IDM To improve the construction process: Information needs to be available when it is needed Quality of information needs to be appropriate IDM; Makes IFC work! Keep yourself updated on: