Unit 2 Module 6: HTML Video
Use the tag Use the for adding closed captions or other timed text Why learn coding skills? From the experts Adding Video to pages
MP4 File WebM File JPG File VTT file Files associated with video
You may also produce your own video Producing your own video will require you to : Produce the video – opportunity to work with video editing software Convert the video to appropriate format (MP4 and WebM are preferred for cross-browser capability). Video converter here: You will need to caption the video: The caption format needed for HTML is WebVTT Videos to use on your web page
You will be checking video players in a variety of browsers Chrome Explorer Mozilla Etc. Make sure that the file path is correct in order for the video to play If video doesn’t work with a browser try it with another browser as it may be a browser issue Lesson 1: Adding Video to Web Pages
Reading: rs_h264_video_support_after_googles_vp8_fails_to_ga in_traction rs_h264_video_support_after_googles_vp8_fails_to_ga in_traction Reflection Questions: Who are the good guys in this conflict Who are the bad guys? Lesson 1 (Continued)
To add an uncaptioned video to your video.html file Lesson 1 Outcome