Welcome to 6 th Grade
6 th Grade Team Mrs. Martinski Science room 200 & Social Studies Mrs. Combs Math room 210 & Character Ed Mrs. Fritz Reading room 201 & Writing
6 th Grade is a Benchmark Year! Students must achieve a “C” or better as a final grade in both Reading and Math. Students must meet the district wide standards of the NWEA MAP test given in Spring Students may not have 9 or more days of unexcused absences for the year.
6 th Grade Program Common Core aligned, unit based Rigorous Critical thinking & higher-order thinking skills Leveled support for understanding increasingly complex texts Traditional and performance-based assessments
Homework Policy CPS policy mandates a minimum of 90 minutes of daily homework for middle school students 30 minutes Reading 30 minutes Math 30 minutes Social Studies, Science, etc. Late homework will be accepted the next day with a penalty. Homework is listed on Beaubien’s web site EVERY DAY.
What Can Be Expected Teacher support Differentiated instruction with data driven curriculum using MAP test results Remediation after school program Online access to student grades
What Will Be Expected Prescription glasses, if needed Come to class everyday with all materials and prepared to work & learn Absent work to be completed in a timely manner. Daily homework completed on time Self advocate for help & guidance $50.00 instructional fee
Mrs. Fritz Reading & Writing
Mrs. Combs - MATH Big Ideas Math, Larson/Boswell Online Book Explanation based Enrichment Khan Academy Math Club
Math Grading Breakdown Homework (assignments strictly assigned for completion at home) Class Participation/Corrections(Participation in class discussion, completes work, fixes up thinking, comes to class prepared and ready to learn) Classwork (Assignment expected to be completed in class, group work, investigations, Daily Check-ups) Notes/Portfolio (Notes everyday) Exit tickets(Single Skill Quiz) Multi-Skill Tests/Performance Assessments (Application to real-life)
Mrs. Martinski Science & Social Studies
Social Studies World history Tests every 4-6 weeks 2 nd quarter poster project
Earth Science Hands-on curriculum Use of writing to show evidence of answers Labs = 25% of grade
Projects due beginning of November Completed research paper Oral presentation Science boards on sale $5.00
Physical Education & Dance Class Attire Beaubien gear is always acceptable white shirt (no printing on back) & shorts or pants NO dresses & skirts rubber-soled “gym” shoes NO sandals, flip flops, TOMS, flats, wedges, Uggs, or any other type of boot
Beaubien School Web Site for all school news where homework is listed every day
Base on over 35 years of research Designed to help all students, not just those who are bullied or those who bully others Character education Classroom meetings Conflict resolution Creates a safer & more positive school environment Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Beaubien Bulldogs take a bite out of bullying !
Support our Fabulous Beaubien PTO Your membership helps to provide many benefits to Beaubien School and its students. Field Trips * Activity Mixer Supplies * Art Supplies Beaubien Newsletter * Special Events * Copies Classroom Enhancement Funding * Cultural Arts Programs
Our class motto: I can achieve I will succeed