The Romanian Educational System “Mihai Eminescu” National College, Iasi, Romania Kick-off Meeting, Van, October 30th and 31st, 2013
Summary The Education System in Romania Priorities of the Education Policy Iasi County School Inspectorate School Management
Structure of the Education System
Pre-university education 10 grades of compulsory education: I - X Young people leave compulsory education at the age of 16, when the law allows them to integrate on the work market Change in the structure of secondary education, giving young people the opportunity to enter vocational education and training inside compulsory education, through the art and trades school A vocational path with progressive certification
University education First cycle (3-4 years), leading to bachelor degree Second cycle (1-2 years), leading to master degree Third cycle (3 years), leading to PhD * Implementation of the European transferable credits system * Restructuring of university specializations
Curriculum The curricular framework includes: The core curriculum (common core and differentiated curriculum), containing the compulsory subjects and the number of allocated hours, designed and approved at national level The school based curriculum, designed at the level of the school The syllabus for the core curriculum subjects, the syllabus is elaborated by commissions of specialists, it is endorsed by the National Board for Curriculum and approved by the minister of education For school based curriculum, the syllabus is designed at the level of the school and approved by the specialty inspector of each county Text books Alternative textbooks can be elaborated for the same syllabus The ministry approves the textbooks which can be used in schools The teachers have the right to choose the appropriate textbook, from the approved list Teacher guidelines are usually elaborated by the National Board for Curriculum
Curriculum National Curriculum: Core Curriculum (60-70%) Differentiated Curriculum (15-20%) Schools’ Educational Offer: Differentiated Curriculum School-based Curriculum (15-20%) Extra-curricular activities Special Needs for students with deficiencies or high performance capacity
Curricular Areas Language and communication Mathematics and natural science People and society Arts Physical education Technologies Counseling and guidance
Class size, school year & timetable Class sizes - depend on the educational level: 25 …but for economic reason now are students in one class !! School year: 36 weeks 15 th of September starting date Ending date in 20 of June Timetable: 50 min. classes / 10 min. breaks Morning or afternoon classes
Teachers Initial training: Higher education for all levels of education (primary, secondary) Professional development: On the job confirmation (definitivat) Didactic grade II Didactic grade I
Priorities of the Education Reform Ensuring access to and improving quality of education for everyone Rural area Disadvantaged groups (Rroma minority and SEN) Developing human resources for the knowledge society The eLearning initiative Reform of compulsory education Development of the TVET
Basic principles Education is a national priority Education is based on democratic values Romania endorses the principle of equal chances in education regardless of gender, individual characteristics – physical or mental impairments, cultural or socio-economic background, mother tongue, ethnic origin, religion etc. Minorities have a right to education in their own language Public education is tax free
Governance of the Education System Ministry of Education County School Inspectorates NCCNSAE PEEAC NCPTST NCTVETD NCTEAD Schools TTHTTHLDC LCSS NCE Other units NCC – National Council for Curriculum NSAE – National Service for Assessment and Evaluation PEEAC – Pre-university Education Evaluation and Accreditation Commission NCPTST – National Centre for Pre- university Teaching Staff Training NCTVETD – National Centre for TVET Development NCTEAD – National Council for Textbooks Evaluation, Approval and Distribution NCE – National Centre for Excellence CSI – County School Inspectorates TTH – Teacher Training Houses LDC – Local Development Committee for Social Partnership in VET LCSS – Local Council School Service
County School Inspectorate General Inspector Deputy General Inspector Accounting Legal counselor Secretariat Curriculum & inspection Evaluation & prognosis Inspectors: pre-school education primary education education for minorities rroma education special education extra-school activities curriculum subjects Inspectors: management & evaluation private education educational alternatives teaching staff mobility professional development European programs gifted students Administrative staff ICT development Services: school network & enrolment teaching norms & retribution Control & audit Administration council Advisory board Deputy General Inspector Development & community
The main objectives of the County School Inspectorate To ensure coherence between the national strategy and local education process; To develop the implementation of local and regional programs; To set up public education units – kindergartens, primary schools, gymnasiums and art and trades schools; Together with the local public administration, to ensure high educational standards, as well as the development of the material resources in all schools, according to the present national standards; To supervise, monitor, support and evaluate the activity of teachers of all subjects at pre-university level To organize in-service teacher training courses for school teachers and managers in collaboration with the Teacher Training House To develop curricular and extracurricular projects and activities at the local, regional, national and international level
School management
Director’s responsibilities: To plan, organize, coordinate, monitor and evaluate the entire educational process in the school and the institutional development of the school To manage the human resources of the school To manage the financial resources of the school To administrate the school
School management Main papers to be elaborated by the director: TThe medium term (4-year) institutional development project of the school TThe semester and annual evaluation reports TThe annual management plan and the semester implementation programmes FFinancial & material resources development projects AAnnual school’s budget project
Number of compulsory language hours LevelOptional/ compulsory 1 st language2 nd language Pre-schoolOptional Primary school grades I –II grades III –IV Optional Compulsory 1h / week 2h / week - General school (grades V - VIII) Compulsory2h / week High school (grades IX-XII) Compulsory2h / week VET schools (grades IX-X) Compulsory2h / week-