Elwood Jr. High Tiger Tip-off August 25, 2014
Welcome Meet the Jr. High Team! Mrs. Anderson- 6 th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Collins- 7 th Grade Language Arts Ms. Schultz- 8 th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Rompala - Social Studies Mrs. Ditzler- Mathematics Mrs. Rea – Science Mrs. Dooley – RtI Teacher Mr. Krop - Physical Education Miss Wilkins - Physical Education Mrs. Smith – Resource Teacher Ms. Frey - Resource Paraprofessional Miss Thornburg – Resource Student Teacher
Tiger Pride P = Positive Attitude R = Respect I = Improvement D = Determination E = Empathy
Extra Curricular Activities Chess Club Recycling Club Entrepreneur Club Scholastic Bowl Science Fair (7 th and 8 th Grades) Socrates Tutoring Student Council
Extra Curricular Activities Athletics Boys Baseball Boys and Girls Basketball Boys and Girls Volleyball Cheerleading Boys and Girls Track & Field
Jr. High Field Trips 6 th grade – Outdoor Ed. – end of May 7 th grade – Springfield - Friday, April 10, th grade – Class Trip – end of May Junior High – Great America To raise funds for all trips, students will be participating in the monthly SCRIP gift card program and Market Day Food Programs. This will be the only way students will be able to buy down the cost of the trips. Please make sure your student signs up for times to volunteer.
Social Studies 6 th grade (supplemental activities not the textbook) Textbook on CD – Sign out forms will be sent home by Friday Ancient World Mesopotamia Egypt Greece Rome India China
Social Studies Cont. 7 th and 8 th grade (supplemental activities not the textbook) Textbook on CD – Sign out forms will be sent home by Friday 7 th Grade American Revolution Growth and Expansion Manifest Destiny North vs. South Civil War Reconstruction Industrialization 8 th Grade Progressive Reforms Spanish-American War World War I World War II The Great Depression Federal Constitution – Both 7 th and 8 th grade students will be completing the Federal Constitution test this year.
Science Online textbooks Flashcards, textbook, and visual labs Practice quizzes and tests Mrs. Rea will hand out passwords Next Generation Science Standards Interactive Notebooks
Science (cont.) 6 th Grade Units Astronomy & Space Sound & Light Ecology & the Environment 7 th Grade Units Forces & Motion Diversity of Life Earth’s Structure Earth’s Surface 8 th Grade Units Water & the Atmosphere Intro to Chemistry Cells & Heredity
Math Glencoe/Mc Graw Hill 6 th Grade -- Course 1 7 th Grade – Course 2 or Accelerated 8 th Grade – Course 3 or Algebra 1 ALEKS online tutor/support/enrichment On September 3 rd we will be hosting an informational Math night to introduce our new math series and all of its online components.
English Language Arts Curriculum Mirrors & Windows Aligned with the Common Core Standards Differentiation Opportunities to Meet the Needs of all of our Learners Technology, Technology, Technology! Online Text, E-book, and Online Audio Edition. Login information will be given to students in their Language Arts classes Additional Materials Homework activities / fillable PDFs along with supplemental Supplemental resources including SAT Writing component program ENGAGING TO STUDENTS! HELPFUL TO PARENTS!
English Language Arts Additional Information Quarterly Independent Book Projects 100 pages – 6th grade` 150 Pages – 7th grade 200 pages – 8th grade Book can not be a movie and class time will not be given for completion of the project (more information to come) Several Novel Studies Throughout the Year One novel that students a will be required to purchase in order to annotate within the text. Fundamentals of Narrative, Argumentative, and Informational Writing Word Deconstruction through roots / multisyllabic instruction
Online Resources – Each teacher has designed a website to benefit the students and parents at home. Elwood School Facebook page Mrs. Rompala’s Facebook page Elwood School Library –