GreenPalm Smallholders 1 st November 2009
So what is the GreenPalm Programme? Web based trading platform Trades the certificates not the oil It’s like carbon trading!!! But easier!!!!!!! It is an incentive and reward system for those complying with the RSPO’s certification programme GreenPalm
Multiple origins Common freight Shared storage Continuous processing GreenPalm
Certified producer registers volume for sale in GreenPalm system. 1mt of crude CSPO = 1 GreenPalm certificate P roducer places an offer GreenPalm
End user calculates their oil palm consumption Derivates 1 for 1 Place bid covering volume GreenPalm
Bids and Offers on the market screen System automatically matches GreenPalm
Producer receives full value of certificate –Sells physical oil into their usual market –At mainstream price
GreenPalm End user redeems certificate –Has right to make a sustainable claim –Buys physical oil from preferred supplier –At mainstream price “Supported the production of RSPO CSPO ”
GreenPalm Proposal to trade directly from smallholder to end product manufacturer Agree conversion rates from FFB to –CPO –CPKO –Others - PK Expellers etc Allow smallholders to maximise premium
GreenPalm Smallholder receives full value of certificate –Sells physical FFB’s into their usual market –At mainstream price Smallholder
GreenPalm 180,000 certificates traded in the first 12 months A staggering $2.1mln in “rewards” to the plantations Of the 11 producers certified 10 are members of GreenPalm 8 of whom have been “financially rewarded” If you don’t export your production GreenPalm is the only option that allows you to earn a premium There are end users who want to directly support smallholders
GreenPalm RSPO Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Making a difference……… ….together with…..