Intro and vocab
Turn and talk
Definition: Movement refers to the way people, ideas, and goods move from one place to another.
Immigration- Emigration-
Immigration- act of moving into a new country. Emigration- act of leaving one’s own country to settle in a new one.
Push factors- Pull factors-
Push factors- unfavorable conditions which act to drive people away from a place. Pull factors- favorable conditions that draw people to a new location.
Diffusion- Contagious diffusion- Hierarchical diffusion- Relocation diffusion-
Diffusion- the process by which a characteristic spreads from one place to another over time.
Contagious diffusion- the rapid, widespread diffusion of a characteristic throughout the population. Hierarchical diffusion-the spread of an idea from a person of power to other people or places. Relocation diffusion-the spread of an idea through physical movement of people.
Globalization- Imports- Exports- Sweatshops-
Globalization- the widening, deepening and speeding up of global interconnection. Imports – An item or service brought in from abroad for sale. Exports- An item or service sent abroad for sale. Sweatshops- A factory where workers have low pay, long hours and dangerous conditions.