Exam Review Powerpoint By: Alston Keyes 12/12/12
Beowulf I enjoyed the movie because it showed how life was back then.
Troy I enjoyed how much action was in the movie.
Helen of Troy I enjoyed how helen was not supposed to be royalty and was in the movie.
“Get up and bar the door” I like how neither of them got up to lock the door while they get robbed.
Research I liked how we got to research what we chose and I chose terrorism.
Lord Randall I liked how we don’t know what he motive for killing was.
Gullivers Travels ∙ I enjoyed how the movie showed different places he went to.
Who wrote Gullivers Travels Johnathan Swift first wrote gullivers travels
Lord of the Flies I enjoyed the movie better than the book.
No Witchcraft for sale I enjoyed how the boy did not tell where the medicine man is.
Shooting an Elephant I thought it was a great short story.
The Tyger I disliked how the poem ended.