Yikes! I’ve inherited a system? Now what? An ACEware Webinar
What are we going to talk about? ACEware HistorySystem HighlightsReports & More ReportsCodingHelp!
ACEWARE HISTORY Thirty years in 30 seconds!
NamesCoursesRegistrations Three key areas of database
Student Manager is intended as your SINGLE storage system. When all your data is together, reporting and decision making is easier & you save time.
ACEweb Marketing Reporting Billing & Invoicing Attendance & Grade Tracking Student Manager Drives... On-Line Course Publishing and Registration
Two kinds of reports Quick Reports Available on names, courses, registrations & Pocket Ledger Reports w/Queries
Find the reports your organization uses Reports / Accounting / Special 1 Reg/1 Line (Deadbeats ) - Reports by Frequency
Reports / Accounting / Special 1 Reg/1 Line (Deadbeats) – Reports by Area/Frequency
Need more detail? Reports / Accounting / Special 1 Reg/1 Line (Deadbeats) / New – All Reports with Memo
Finding the right report
Every report in the system can be customized to meet your needs
Codes exist to help you record and track data about a person, course, or registration
Adding Codes (2 ways) Module / Codes
Adding Codes (2 ways) Clicking the plus sign to the left of a field opens the Universal Code Editor
Coding Tip! Many screens have buttons to show you who or what records have received that code View all names that have the interest code View all courses that have the interest / subject code
To view a list of codes
Another Coding Tip! Most codes can be de-activated
The website has links to... Student Manager Online Help Webinar archives Tech support information And of course... Conference info!
You & Your Tech
When should I call my tech? Something is amiss (error messages, or general weirdness) A task is taking too long You want to try something that may cause a loss or alteration of data Surely, you think, there ought to be a better way
Your tech can help with utilities UtilityW Duplicates & Orphans ConvertW & Quickie Import tools Code & Data Cleanup Password Maintenance
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