Julia Szenberg Intro to Critical Media and Cultural Studies Fall Semester One Paper One (Presentation): Textual Analysis The Objectification of Women Goes Further
Introduction -Marie Claire - Upper Class Magazine Appeals to wealthier younger women Objectification of women extending further Thesis: In the March edition 2010 issue of Marie Claire magazine the Assael International Ad strongly portrays not only the objectification of women, but contradicts and extends Mulvey’s argument of the male gaze through sexualizing, objectifying, and signifying wealth through a woman (a product). In turn, female sexuality becomes a commodity, sexuality is used to connote wealth and power to the eyes of a wealthy viewer.
- She is sexualized - Sexualized in an objectifying way - A dummy - Made to look like a product - Cropping - No Connection - No Content or Setting - Evacuated any sense of personality I. Sexualize
Large pearls II. Objectification Wealth Copy (text) High Class – Neiman Marcus Excess wealth/conspicuous wealth Copy
III. Sexuality signifies Wealth - Not just a signifier of sex or owning a sex symbol - owning wealth - Ownership of Wealth/ Power Vs. Real Sexual Relationship - Looking away - No male in image
Conclusion Renegotiating the male gaze (Mulvey) Goes beyond women as sexual, but as making sexuality a commodity Woman is the object of wealth and power Constructed Man – being able to shop at Neiman Marcus and own her (as a product) Woman – If women are enough of sexual objects the man will buy her jewelry