The Universal System Model A way of thinking about an engineering project in five parts.
The Universal System Model Has 5 parts: Has 5 parts:GoalsInputProcessesOutputFeedback
The Universal System Model Goals The reason for the system Example: Mousetrap Car goal was to learn about propulsion and friction.
The Universal System Model Input What is put into the system to run itWhat is put into the system to run itExample: Mousetrap Car input were Capturing the potential energy of the spring in a stringCapturing the potential energy of the spring in a string Attaching the string to the drive axle to move the wheelsAttaching the string to the drive axle to move the wheels
The Universal System Model Process The things that go on when the system is running.The things that go on when the system is running.Example: Mousetrap Car processes were… Mousetrap Car processes were… the movement of the lever arm to turn the drive axle and propel the carthe movement of the lever arm to turn the drive axle and propel the car friction along the wheels that may slow down/stop/curve the carfriction along the wheels that may slow down/stop/curve the car car tipping over when it stoppedcar tipping over when it stopped
The Universal System Model Output What work comes out of the input and process Example: Mousetrap Car output was… to move the car the greatest distance.
The Universal System Model Feedback The reaction of the input, output and process of a system. The return of information about your system. Example: Mousetrap Car feedback was… The distance your car went.
The Crash Test Car Goal: To learn about vehicle safety. Goal: To learn about vehicle safety. Input: Build a car with a passenger restraint system (seatbelts) and a crumple zone. Input: Build a car with a passenger restraint system (seatbelts) and a crumple zone. Processes: Car will zoom down the track and crash into the wall. Processes: Car will zoom down the track and crash into the wall. Output: You passenger (an egg) will be safe. Output: You passenger (an egg) will be safe. Feedback: You car’s crumple zone absorbed the force of the crash and protected your egg. Feedback: You car’s crumple zone absorbed the force of the crash and protected your egg.
A Crash Test Car Prototype
Crash Test Car Time Line Day 1 Day 1 EDP Step 1: Identify the problem EDP Step 2: Begin research Day 2 Day 2 EDP Step 2: Continue Research Day 3 Day 3 EDP Step 3: Develop Solutions EDP Step 4: Select Best solution Draw the prototype Day 4 Day 4 EDP Step 5: Build the prototype Day 5 Day 5 EDP Step 5: Build the prototype EDP Step 6: Test the prototype EDP Step 7: Communicate the solutions EDP Step 8: Redesign Day 6 Day 6 EDP Step 5: Build the prototype EDP Step 6: Test the prototype EDP Step 7: Communicate the solutions EDP Step 8: Redesign Day 7 Day 7 CRASH TEST DAY!! CRASH TEST DAY!! Day 8 Day 8 Analysis & Reflection: Technical Report Day 9 Day 9 Analysis & Reflection: Technical Report
Building the Crash Test Car Step 1: Make the chassis Step 2: Attach the wheels & axles Step 3: Build passenger seat
Building the Crash Test Car Step 4: Make the dashboard & windshield Step 5:Make the crumple zone Step 6: Make the car’s body