Anselmo Cervera Villanueva IFIC (Universidad de Valencia & CSIC) EURODET meeting 7 December 2007 Neutrino Networking activities
2 Introduction EuSPP: define optimal future neutrino facility incl. detectors by 2012 Possibilities for precision neutrino facility exist at CERN with the LHC injector upgrade, (SPL), or elsewhere in the world. (J-parc, Project X, etc..) Present neutrino community people spread over many expts. (T2K, MICE, DCHOOZ, MINOS, MINERvA….) Several choices should be made by then Facility: Neutrino factory Superbeam Betabeam Far and near detectors: water cherenkov liquid argon (wit or without mag. field) totally active scintillating detector in mag. field emulsion cloud chamber in mag. field magnetised iron calorimeter combination of the above The community should be prepared for a possible breakthrough.
3 aims of NEUDET The facility choice is based on the physics performance for a given value of θ 13 (better known by 2012) The detector choice depends on the facility but also on the demonstrated detector performance Feasibility and cost are essential ingredients NEUDET should provide infrastructure allowing to provide realistic input for detector performance calculations Realistic (and agreed) cost estimates
4 Neutrino Work packages in IA Management Communication between WPs Communication with the EU commission Management of resources, transnational access to test beam. Neutrinos should be represented WP2: Electronics Common electronics developments for neutrino detectors (and other applications). Specificity is large number of channel and cost reduction. WP3: Software Common simulation, reconstruction and analysis tools for neutrino detectors in the context of a larger HEP effort. Improvements of GEANT4 processes and of reconstruction tools. Lots to contribute! WP4: Test beams Common infrastructure for beam tests of neutrino detectors (energy range similar to b-factory) Electronics, DAQ software, large air core magnet, beam instrumentation (akin to near detectors of NeuFac) etc JRA engineering support for test beam (here or in coordination) WP6: Coordination office Connection with other international projects (EUROnu, NNN community, NFMCC etc) Information exchange: meetings, web site, documentation, publications Definition of test-beam measurements and planification of test beam experiments engineering for cost evaluation of options, combined test beam, evaluation of very large detectors No real contribution/benefit for irradiation facility at this point
5 Working packages Test beamElectronics Software Management Coordination office NEUDET CDR EUROnu Other International projects
6 WP 2: Electronics This WP is divided in two 1. Common electronics for tests beam Electronic for detector prototypes Electronics for beam instrumentation 2. Common electronics R&D for future neutrino detectors 1. Electronics is the cost driver of neutrino detectors given the large amount of channels, up to O(10 7 ) 2. Several of the proposed options could use the same electronic 3. Aim is to reduce the cost with proper R&D Point 1 probably belongs to the test-beam WP
7 WP 3: Software This WP is divided in two 1. Common software tools for test beams DAQ software Tracking and simulation software for prototypes and beam instrumentation 2. Development of common software tools for future experiments Contribution to Geant4: hadronic models at low energies, showering profiles, properties of stopping particles, etc Development of general reconstruction packages: RecPack RecPack is being widely used in the neutrino community It could be probably be exported to other communities Point 1 probably belongs to the test-beam WP
8 WP 6: Coordination office Connection with EUROnu, LAGUNA and other international projects (ISS, IDS, UK-Nufact, US studies, NNN etc) Make sure that all WPs receive the appropriate external information Crucial for the definition of the test-beams Definition and planning of test-beam setups Information exchange: meetings, web site, library of references and notes A good web site (with a dedicated web master) is essential Coherent evaluation of options Input to the CDR Is this a single WP ?
9 Connection with EUROnu EUROnu will address mainly the accelerator design of neutrino factory beta-beam and superbeam. There is a small WP on evaluation of physics performance of the proposed facilities based on detector simulations The scopes of EUROnu and NEUDET can be clearly defined to avoid overlap EUROnu develops specific physics simulation for beams and near/far detectors, and performs the data analysis --> sensitivity plots NEUDET provides infrastructure, tools, and realistic input to simulations based on test-beam data. It also provides generic software and hardware tools. Cost estimates The cost driver is generally electronics in huge number of channels NEUDET should provide realistic input to EUROnu cost estimations based on common electronics R&D
10 Connection with other EU programs The overlap with LAGUNA is very small Laguna as approved is only dedicated to the technical issues of underground laboratories. This is relevant for long baseline experiments for which the far detectors are also used as low background detectors for e.g. proton decay, study of atmospheric neutrinos etc., but the detector R&D part of Laguna proposal was explicitely rejected by EU. The overlap with ILIAS II is nil. The neutrino oriented part concerns only low noise environment for dark matter searches, 0 and solar neutrinos (MeV range).
11 Connection with Test beams WP Making a recommendation for the next neutrino facility by 2012 requires precise answers to precise questions. The ask of coordination office will be to make sure that the key issues are addressed and that the infrastructure is used optimally. Some of the questions to be addressed in tests beams: Charge determination of low energy muons in MIND Charge measurement of electrons in magnetized TASD, LArg and emulsions Performance of a scintillator-iron-emulsion (SCIENCE) detector Confusion between muons and pions in LArg, TASD and Water Confusion between electrons and muons in Water and LArg …
12 INTERNATIONAL CONNECTIONS The scope of our test-beam(s) and prototype efforts should take into account what can be measured internationally. MINERvA and INO *) test-beams will happen already next year MINERvA management has expressed interest in collaborating with us. A concrete request should be made soon We should explore further the INO option Ideal to test the RPC option for magnetized iron detectors. Is magnetised Corresponds to a real detector existing neutrino data should be used in order to better define the scope of the test beams MINOS, Opera, SuperKamiokande *) Indian Neutrino Observatory
13 WP 6 neutrino coordination office The Neutrino coordination office: ++ coordinator and steering group ++ Dedicated webmaster and librarian ++ engineering support for test beam and cost estimates -- travel to test beam(s) should be covered by TA activity. -- networking travel should be limited Integration is probably not a big issue at this stage except for combined test beam-- assumed in engineering support. Proposed Coordinator: Anselmo Cervera (Valencia)