Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne1 ESSnet CORE Common Reference Environment ESSnet workshop in Cologne 27th and 28th of October 2011
Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne2 Background The ESSnet CORE (COmmon Reference Environment) continues the work of a previous 10 month ESSnet called CORA (COmmon Reference Architecture). CORA produced the definition of an architectural model together with proof-of-concept software prototypes.
Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne3 Duration & Participants The duration of the ESSnet CORE is 10 months (dec 2010 – Jan 2012) and it involves Istat (Italian National Institute of Statistics) as coordinator, INSEE (Statistics France), CBS (Statistics Netherlands) SSB (Statistics Norway), INE (Statistics Portugal) and SCB (Statistics Sweden), as participants.
Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne4 Overview of the presentation Project oriented 1. A brief explanation of objectives to be achieved. 2. What are main achievements/results which prove the benefit of the ESSnet approach (or show the contrary) 3. What are critical success/fail/hampering factors? 4. What should be the next developments to be launched in the coming years in the project's area ESSnet oriented 1. What could contribute to improvement of the functioning of ESSnets 2. Why is the ESSnet the proper organizational form to achieve the proposed objectives 3. How the ESSnet concept can be developed further
Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne5 Project oriented A brief explanation of objectives to be achieved Environment for the definition and execution of statistical processes – Definition of a process in terms of services selected by an available repository – Execution of the composed workflow
Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne6 Project oriented What are main achievements/results which prove the benefit of the ESSnet approach (or show the contrary) CORE goes in the direction of fostering the sharing of tools among NSIs. - A tool developed by a specific NSI can be wrapped according to the extended CORA model (e-CORA) and thus easily integrated within a statistical process of another NSI. -Having a single environment for the execution of entire statistical processes can provide a high level of automation in process execution.
Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne7 Deliverables Information Model Requirements Generic statistical information model Mapping methodology Selected case studies Technical Environment Specifications vs1, vs2 Lessons learned on the use of SDMX within data processing Evaluation grid used to evaluate different process management tools. Recommendations on process management tools. Description of CORE implementation in.NET and in Java CORE implementation in.NET and in Java Integration Cost Reporting
Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne8 Process scenario for testing START Compute Strata Statistics Allocate the Sample Select the Sample Compute Estimates and Sampling Errors Calibrate Survey Data Collect Survey Data Check and Correct Survey Data Store Estimates and Sampling Errors Convert to SDMX STOP ALLOCATION ESTIMATION
Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne9 Project oriented What are critical success/fail/hampering factors? People from different countries need to work closely together in order to ensure the achievement of the project’s objectives, establishing a common language and exchanging knowledge and expertise. Risks identified under planning: 1.Withdrawal of a key partner 2. WP/tasks leader changes 3. Project execution risks - delays and dependencies 4. Agreement risks
Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne10 Dependencies
Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne11 Project oriented What should be the next developments to be launched in the coming years in the project's area Scheduled: Testing data and service integration issues with concrete implementations Delivery a proof-of-concept software prototype of CORE Usage of CORE in a representative statistical production process Possible future work: Detailed technical requirements for a professional implementation of CORE Professional implementation of CORE Usage of CORE in real statistical production processes
Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne12 ESSnet oriented What could contribute to improvement of the functioning of ESSnets Further reduce the administration
Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne13 ESSnet oriented Why is the ESSnet the proper organizational form to achieve the proposed objectives Focuses on issues that answer to a European interest: Stronger cooperation between European NSIs, sharing of solutions and improvement of existing solutions will result in turn result in more effective and harmonised statistical processes at the European level. Starting from the diversity of the ways in which statistics are produced in the European NSIs, the main focus of CORE is the implementation of a reference architecture for both the business and technical aspects of the NSIs’ statistical production.
Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne14 ESSnet oriented Why is the ESSnet the proper organizational form to achieve the proposed objectives Cost effectiveness: ESSnets can build on existing approaches, methods and experiences of the participating NSIs, who are often already trying to rationalize and harmonize their statistical processes for internal purposes. The main objective of CORE is to bring together these efforts, to produce a common reference environment, with the aim of minimizing duplications and maximizing cost-effectiveness.
Jenny Linnerud, 27/10/2011, Cologne15 ESSnet oriented How the ESSnet concept can be developed further Increase ESSnet training courses Continue to have ESSnet workshops Improve the possibilities to update the ESSnet website