QUIZ 1. The main part or foundation of a word 2. The plane that separates the front from the back. 3. Tissues combine to form these 4. Suffix meaning inflammation 5. The transverse plane separates the _____ from the ________.
Anatomy of the Skin Upper layer of skin is called EPIDERMIS Upper layer of skin is called EPIDERMIS EPI- means on top of EPI- means on top of DERMIS means skin DERMIS means skin The lower layer of skin is called the DERMIS. The lower layer of skin is called the DERMIS.
The Epidermis Is multilayered. Contains is superficial layer of dead skin cells called STRATUM CORNEUM. The stratum corneum is composed of cells called KERATIN. Is AVASCULAR (no blood vessels) Has no nerve tissue (can’t feel pain)
The Dermis Has two distinct layers: Has two distinct layers: 1. Papillary Layer (more superficial) 1. Papillary Layer (more superficial) 2. Reticular Layer (deeper) 2. Reticular Layer (deeper) Accessory organs begin the dermis. Accessory organs begin the dermis. Some of the accessory organs end or cross into the epidermis. Some of the accessory organs end or cross into the epidermis. The dermis contains blood vessels and nerve tissue. The dermis contains blood vessels and nerve tissue.
Subcutaneous Fat and Superficial Fascia The SubQ fat is found deep to the dermis. It contains the larger blood vessels of the skin. It is composed of adipose (fat) tissue, a form of connective tissue. Deep to the subQ layer is the fascial layer that covers the muscles beneath.
Combining Forms Adip/oLip/oSteat/o All mean FAT
Adip/osisLip/oidSteat/oma Abnormal condition of fat Resembling fat Tumor of fat
Cutane/oDermat/oDerm/o skin
SubcutaneousDermatologyhypodermic Pertaining to under the skin Study of the skin Pertaining to under the skin
Hidro/o sweat Anhidrosis - abnormal condition of sweat Kerat/o horny tissue keratosis- - abnormal condition of hard tissue Myc/o fungus Onychomycosis – abnormal condition of fungal toenails
Onych/o Onychomalacia softenting of nails
Pil/oTrich/o Hair A Pilonidal cyst Is a cyst that pertains to a nest of hair Trichopathy Is a disease of the hair
Xer/o Means dry xeroderma means dry skin
derm / o / tome derm / o / tome An instrument to cut skin
The term “diaphoresis” is meant to denote excessive sweating. The combining form for sweat is hidr/o hidr/o
Don’t get confused!!! Hidr/o means sweat Hydr/o means water
A hidradenoma is a tumor of the sweat gland.
Dermat/o/scler/osis skin hardening Disease Therefore, dermatosclerosis is literally translated as a disease that results in the hardening of the skin. Also known as scleroderma, this disease is an autoimmune disease that results in scarring of the vital organs resulting in death.
Mycodermatitis inflammation skin fungus A mycodermatitis is an inflammatory disease of the skin caused by a fungus. A common example of this is ATHLETE’S FOOT or TINEA PEDIS.
Test Yourself XerophagiaTichomycosisAdipoceleDermatoplasty Condition of eating only dry foods A fungal disease of the hair A hernia of fat cells Plastic surgery of the skin
More Combining Forms of Color Cyan/o Blue Erythr/o Red Melan/o Black Xanth/o Yellow Leuk/o white