Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 1 UITF Progress meeting UITF Project Status Meeting Matt Poelker July 31, 2015
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 2 UITF Progress meetingOutline Purpose: to inform Lab Leadership of the UITF status Action Items (from previous meetings) Project Update –Progress Update –Milestones Update –Budget Update –Highlights & Concerns –Next meeting agenda
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 3 UITF Progress meeting To refresh your memory… Today UITF as imagined beamline design and entry/exit need work need to refine rack layout, AC power, add stairs
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 4 UITF Progress meeting Action Items – From May 13, 2015 Minutes R. Sprouse: confirm the UITF enclosure finish date – Nov 2015 or Feb 2016 M. Logue: consult with Vashek on the shape of the labyrinth (U-shape vs 2 hall). It is felt that 2 bounces are achieved through the current configuration. Done M. Poelker/W. Oren: determine if the 18 FTEs requested to complete the work are prioritized correctly – is a squeeze play possible? Yes: Cryo, Mech Design and SSG M. Poelker: provide a summarized level spreadsheet comparing Areti’s original estimate with the current estimate, noting the differences. Done M. Poelker: request B. May confirm safety tasks associated with the Aug 2016 finish date. We have a list, Hari to work on it M. Poelker/W. Akers: create a detailed schedule with milestones that can be updated during each meeting Pass 1 complete, Detailed schedule In progress M. Poelker: get Vashek’s approval of > 100 nA now. Yes, good plan for 100uA M. Poelker/R. Sprouse: determine disposition of the concrete walls being removed Done L. Wells: setup regular meetings for updates on the project progress – monthly or every 6 weeks All: provide names to attend the update meetings briefing the UITF progress Accelerator: TBD, Engineering: TBD, Physics: TBD, Facilities: R. Yasky, EHS&Q: TBD
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 5 UITF Progress meeting Major components Facilities Engineering Mech Design Cryo Safety Systems I&C DC Power Low Level RF systems High Power RF Survey & Alignment SRF Commission with RF Operations Network and communicationsHighlights
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 6 UITF Progress meeting Major components Source Group Reliable 350kV ops Beam to cup in front of ¼ cm Beam to cup in front of HDIce EHSQ Shielding approval Global hazard review FSAD Accel Readiness Review Commissioning Plan HDIce Installation at Cave Beam on HDIceHighlights
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 7 UITF Progress meeting Concrete demolition complete Stairs are next (complete in FY15) Bi-weekly meetings scheduled
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 8 UITF Progress meeting Approved Labyrinth and a plan for 100uA Plus: augment ceiling shielding, maybe some restricted areas, and be generous with local shielding of dumps
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 9 UITF Progress meeting B UILDING THE 350 K V G UN Start with “dummy” electrodes and test different insulators and cathode screening electrode
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 10 UITF Progress meeting
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 11 UITF Progress meeting “Shed” triple- point protection Doped insulator SF6 R350 epoxy receptacle Danny Machie helping with design modifications Combination of doped insulator and shed, SF6 and epoxy receptacle, plus added length Carlos is back, will model the “shed”, specify the cathode electrode shape The large doped insulators are “free”, purchased by FEL but never used Bigger gun than expected, but still relatively compact
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 12 UITF Progress meeting Today’s layout, ready to cut metal….. Cryo lines hug the wall, waveguides on same side as cryo lines Heat exchanger added to the mix, Rao says this will make things more efficient and stable Design by Shaun Gregory
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 13 UITF Progress meeting Cryo lines compatible with old and new ¼ CM… Looks similar to our “upgrade injector” front end
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 14 UITF Progress meeting EHS&Q related tasks (from Bob May) Global hazard review (can be documented in FSAD) Radiation source term, shielding design, assessment, approval, installation Final ODH assessment, with Cryo? Standard industrial hazards (electrical, fall protection, emergency egress, magnetic and RF field exposure, etc.) FSAD update (Rev 8) incorporating hazards assessment and mitigations ASE development and submittal (Rev 8) for TJSO approval Commissioning Plan Development (Internal or External?) Review of Commissioning Plan (CP) Operations plan/procedure development (related to Accelerator Operations Directives? Borrow from and scale down LERF procedures?) Decision about type of ARR and who participates – external/internal/combo Accelerator Readiness Review Plan Review (can be done with CP Review) Work with SSG to implement PSS, RCD to implement CARMS Conduct Hot Checkout (test all installed systems – ready for safe/effective ops) Conduct ARR Obtain TJSO permission to commission UITF (must include shileding effectiveness check, verification of safety device performance Commissioning results report Obtain TJSO permission to operate UITF Hari has agreed to work on this
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 15 UITF Progress meeting Milestones Update WBSItemMilestone DescriptionStart Date Projected Finish % Complete Days Float? Change (%) Change (Days) 1.04.xx x FacilitiesCivil work complete6-4-15Feb % GunDemonstrate gun ok at 350 kW at FEL GTS Dec % CMCommission cold ¼ CM, no beam Jan % Beam from Gun to Cup in front of ¼ CM Mar % Beam thru MeV energy delivered to cup in front of HDIce Jun Beam to HDIceAug 20160
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 16 UITF Progress meeting
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 17 UITF Progress meeting Schedule Ramifications Current status: Close to having a working 350kV gun Nice progress on “stretch” goals: RF, magnets, bpms keV beamline design GOOD, start building it Next month activities (August) Finish mechanical design for gun “Plan Z” Order the keV beamline girder Survey and Alignment: add survey monuments, locate gun, beamline girder and ¼ CM positions MeV beamline design: optics model and mechanical Stairs to top of Cave1, work with FM on next set of projects (HVAC, LCW, new concrete walls Cave2 and braces, control room) Fan and feed: ODH system, cryo lines, trim cards, network, IOCs and software, I&C Dissatisfaction with my “schedule”, improve it, resource-loaded?
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 18 UITF Progress meeting Schedule Ramifications In two months (September): Start building the keV beamline, ¼ CM moved into Cave anticipating Cryo line installation Electronics racks installed, powered. Start populating racks Add network and controls Apply high voltage to new gun design (our Plan Z) Optics model of MeV beam line complete, mechanical design taking shape Start work on Control Room Move some shield blocks? Build as much of Cave2 perimeter as possible Recall, next big milestone…commission ¼ CM (no beam), scheduled for Jan (cryo, ODH, LL and HP RF, software, adequate shielding, EHS&Q approvals)
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 19 UITF Progress meeting Original vs Current Cost Estimate Presented at UITF meeting May 13, 2015: Total cost estimate. The specific allocations for FY15 and 16 are not correct Original Est. by Hari Areti FTEsLaborProcTotalLaborProcTotal on FY , FY , FY Total , , , , , Revised Est. FTEsLaborProcTotalLaborProcTotal by Matt PoelkerFY % on FY , , , % FY , , , , % Total17.7 2, , , , , , Dfference from original estimate (11.5) (1,263.46) (645.93) (1,909.39) (1,719.10) (1,014.40) (2,919.25) Loaded $Direct $
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 20 UITF Progress meeting Revised Estimates Breakdown Original request to DOE: $2.6M (loaded) Current estimate for completion: $5.6 M (loaded) Delta increase of $2.9M (loaded) Labor estimates Underestimated effort by 11.5 FTEs Increased labor by $1.7M (loaded) Procurements Underestimated by ~$1M (loaded) Several sub-system components were not included in the original estimate and later determined were necessary to complete the scope
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 21 UITF Progress meeting Comparison Procurement Estimates (Direct $) SystemPrevNowDeltaComment Facilities (numbers are Proc and Labor) Safety System RF Systems rf control boards, klystron PS Cryogenics Pipe, heat exchanger Polarized Source Gun insulators, beamline parts I&C BPMs, viewers, picoammeters DC Power Trim cards and parts Magnets Addl. quads, correctors, dipoles SRF HDIce50-5 Network, IOCs CIS FY14 Actuals FY14 actuals Total1,0281,
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 22 UITF Progress meeting k$ direct
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 23 UITF Progress meeting FY14 and FY15 UITF Procurements FY14FY15 Addl. expected FY15 procurements Solid Works CAD2.2Insulator flange1 Contract Mech Designer~ kV HV power supply31.1bpm components7.6 stairs~ 20 semiconducting R30 insulators52.6 semiconducting R30 insulators_v222.3 trim cards~100 gun HV chamber7.8 Klystron HV power supply55.5 quad magnets (machine shop)70 to 130 ion pumps15.1concrete wall removal32 Chopper rf amplifiers (x2)44 beamline Y chamber5LLRF parts15.1 water skid for chopper3 photocathode prep chamber4.5steering magnets19.3 keV beamline support structure6.5 drill penetrations in concrete4.2SF6 tank11.3 Addl. FY15 procurement total303.5 assorted3.9waveguide3.8 Credit card21.8SSG sensor1 Machine shop40.8assorted9.4 total189total178.3 FY14 + FY15 Procurements: UITF Total Procurements 1682
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 24 UITF Progress meeting FY16 Procurements? ~ required spent in FY14 FY15 To purchase in FY16 Facilities: includes labor, I don’t have break down of labor and proc Cryo90.80 waiting for update, maybe some pipe purchased in FY15? RF Gun includes beamline components + contract designer I&C Hope to reduce this number using PLC technology SSG DC power Trim cards… Magnets shop to make quads, assumed 100k but could be less Still need three dipoles Network580 Total
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 25 UITF Progress meeting Issues & Concerns Facilities wrap up by December would be better CTF is not big enough to support three LHe Users. How to “park” the ¼ cryomodule? –UITF (4 to 6 wks, 3 times per year) –CMTF and LCLS II –VTA How long will it take to design MeV beamline? Groups are busy but I continue to be optimistic that work can get done opportunistically within project timeline. Facilities, Mech Design, Cryo, SSG, and Ops software have expressed most reservations
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 26 UITF Progress meetingSummary There is progress, we are moving forward Progress will become more obvious soon. By October, expect to see some beamline, with ¼ CM inside the cave, electronics racks above the cave…. Hope the Lab can continue funding at ~ FY15 level We are being responsible with money and we are respectful of other JLab work priorities…
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 27 UITF Progress meeting
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 28 UITF Progress meeting Haven’t started designing the MeV beamline yet…