Once you have selected your career… Go to a search engine like to begin searching for a college or university that has your degree type. Remember to only put in the information needed. If you wanted a business degree you would type that in along with the state you want to go to school. Example: Business degree Texas
College/University name Your name Degree type and major (put web addresses for pictures and information you got and add to each page at the bottom of each page in 8 point font) Add a picture
Career and Salary What career have you selected, and how much could you earn? It’s time to do another search by typing in your career, the location in which you want to live, and salary. (web address) Insert picture (web address)
Cost How much will your schooling cost per year? Figure resident, non- resident, and room and board fees separately. Begin your search by typing the name of the university you want to go to and the word tuition into (web address) Resident Non- Resident Room and Board
How will you pay for college? How will you pay for it? Go to the financial aid department for your school and see what some options are (grants, scholarships, work-study). Other places you can look for scholarships… (Veterans of Foreign Wars) (matches scholarships with your background) After you find 3 that you qualify for, you will write them here and then write one sentence for each scholarship you have chosen telling me how you qualify for this scholarship. Make sure you copy and paste the URL for EACH scholarship you select for this project. (web address)
How are you going to get there? Do not erase these questions. What do you need to start doing now? What kind of job could you get now to start saving some money? What will you need to do in high school? (extra curricular activities and academically)
Goal for This Year Write one goal that you have set for yourself for this year to help you work toward your college and career goals. Be sure to explain. Write 5-7 sentences.