What is an iBook and why are we sending it home? Introduction by Mr. Lister
Digital Discovery Goals To provide the students with the tools and the inquiry skills needed to learn in the 21st century. To provide a classroom experience that does not have walls
General Rules Check for homework assignments Make sure the laptop is used in a central family area where there is supervision Make sure laptop is in a secure location at all times Do not take the laptop to other locations
Sign out Computers will be signed out for the remainder of the school year Laptops will go home on specific days to be determined by the classroom teacher Laptops will not be taken home on weekends
Parent Expectations Laptops will be returned the next day fully charged If laptops are not returned parents will be called and the parent will immediately bring the laptop to school 2 strikes rule - After the second time the parent will forfeit the student’s right to take home the laptop
Student Expectations Treat the laptop with respect Follow the school rules at home Know where your laptop is at all times Do not take it to other locations Use it to complete homework assignments Use it responsibly
Laptop Basic Rules Laptop stays in case until it arrives home No playing with laptop at the YMCA,on the bus or at the bus stop No food or drinks near laptop No siblings playing with computer Computer must stay at the primary residence while at home
Damages and Responsibilities IF the ibook gets stolen while in your possession it should be reported to the local Police and the school authorities. A police report will need to be created. It would be your responsibilty to pay for the $ deductable. If the ibook gets damaged while in your possession it should be reported immediately to school authorities. The laptops are insured with $ deductable. It would be your responsibilty to pay for the deductable. If you as the parent or guardian would rather that the laptop NOT be brought home you have the right to deny that privilege.
Passwords Site Address login password laptop login E-Harcourt FCAT Explorer Riverdeep Gaggle( ) Nettrekker perkins4 fourth * Brainpop perkinses student *Library Information Resources
Internet Security We are using Content Barrier to filter the internet A log of web sites that are visited is kept If you go to a web site that should be blocked please let us know Itunes store is available, but you cannot not download anything Chatting is not allowed Social web sites are blocked
Suggestions for Use at Home Research using World Book Writing assignments using Word Working on Presentations using Powerpoint Multimedia presentation using imovie Garageband for podcasting and making music IF online access is available Riverdeep Fcatexplorer Eharcourt.com – online math book Searches using Nettrekker (not google) Trackstar assignments Quia assignments Online typing programs
Troubleshooting Please contact Ann Smith for help ****best way**** in the subject line please put the word “laptop” Phone x115 during school hours Call and schedule an appointment Check the wiki for how to’s and general infomration ry Ask your child for help
Handouts Parent Contract Ibook basics Setting up for the Internet- location Directions for configuring Internet Browsers- Safari and Firefox- next 2 slides
Pop-Up Window Blocker for Safari Web Browser Safari has a built in Pop-up window blocker. This will sometimes need to be turned off to allow programs to run correctly. Click the word Safari, then click Block Pop- Up Windows. If there is a check next to this line then the Pop-Up Blocker is on.
Pop-Up Window Blocker for Firefox Web Browser Firefox also has a built in pop-up blocker. To access it you will need to click on the word Firefox, select preferences to open the preference panel. Make sure the content tab is clicked on and then check or uncheck the box next to Block Pop-up Blocker
When you are at home and try to connect to the internet and come up with this message here is what to do: Click on the airport signal. Make sure your home network is checked. If you have WEP you will need your password.
If you are hard wiring to a Ethernet line you simply need to plug this into your Ethernet port. From the apple in the upper left hand corner select system preferences. When the window opens select Network.
Make sure your on airport or ethernet (if hard wired). Then click the advanced tab In the advanced panel make sure everything is UNCHECKED. Click OK or Apply and you are ready to start surfing!
Turning the proxy off in Firefox Open the preferences in firefox Go to the settings and choose
Question and Answers Notes