Compensation Kaylynn Sheets
Artistic Statement Pressure from all places causes women in society to struggle with a lack of self confidence and self esteem. People today seem to focus more on the outer superficial aspects of each other verses the features that used to truly matter. Social status and appearance is often mistaken for true confidence and self esteem. My photography seeks to show the everyday items used to compensate for what one may lack. With the intent on having you consider the true motivations behind your actions.
Copyright ©2006 Kaylynn Sheets Vamp
Copyright ©2007 Kaylynn Sheets Toxin
Savoir Faire Copyright ©2007 Kaylynn Sheets
Adornment Copyright ©2006 Kaylynn Sheets
Posh Copyright ©2007 Kaylynn Sheets
Regression Copyright ©2007 Kaylynn Sheets
Controversial Copyright ©2006 Kaylynn Sheets
Biography I started taking photographs at a very young age. Ever since the day I got my pink Barbie film camera I have ran around taking snapshots. With age, my interest matured and so did my photography. I went from photographing Barbie against the palm tree, to photographing architecture and people. My photographs often reflect my interest. Photography means a lot to me, I like to use it as a creative escape from my mind. If my day is jam-packed with thoughts, grabbing my camera and taking a walk and using unique angles to capture simple things takes my mind off of the craziness. Photography acts as a stress reliever to me. I honestly don’t know what I would do without it.