CONTENTS Slide 5: Toilets in Hospital wards Slide 6: Public Telephones Slide 7: Re-installation of IT Equipment Slide 8: Upgrading of Surveillance equipment Slide 9: Kitchen and laundry appliances 10/28/20152
CONTENTS Slide 10: List of under performing Service Providers Slide 11: Lost escalation, variation orders Slide 12: Kimberley Correctional Centre Slide 13: Full riot report Slide 14: Management Restructuring Slide 16: Categorization of offenders Slide 17: Service Level Agreement Slide 18: Loss of the centre’s master key 10/28/20153
CONTENTS Slide 16: Leeuwkop Slide 17: New Leeuwkop Youth CC Slide 18: Pretoria Female CC Slide 19: Kokstad CC 10/28/20154
Toilets in Hospital Wards DCS instructed DPW to install toilets in single cells Cost increased to R1,15m to comply with health requirements according to DPW. This means R per toilet which seams excessive and DPW has been informed ventilation requirements can considerable increase it to R3m. Status quo is to assess the operational impact over a period and based on this determine to what extend toilets have to be installed noting the cost Detail to be provided by NPDW 10/28/20155
Public telephones for use by inmates Installation of public phones for use by inmates – finalized. All units have public telephones that are in working order. 10/28/20156
Upgrading of Surveillance equipment There will be a separate contract for this service. The consultants have already been instructed to prepare tender documentation. To go out on tender in January /28/20157
Kitchen and laundry appliances All damages observed by Portfolio Committee have been repaired eg electrical cables of trolleys and laundry equipment. The hinges of the refuse cooler rooms’ door was repaired but challenges have reoccurred. NDPW will arrange for solution through day to day maintenance 10/28/20158
List of under performing Service providers DCS Region reported no under performing supplier NPDW to report on under performing construction 10/28/20159
Cost escalation, variation orders NDPW to respond 10/28/201510
Full report on the 3 August riot (Acting RC FSNC/Dir Security Management Systems- quality control) Investigation has been finalized and the report has been submitted. 10/28/201512
Management restructuring Head of Centre, SCO: Security Systems and Unit Managers restructured. Awaits replacement of CC Operational Support. Second phase of exchange of 30 experienced male officials with 30 female officials, to be finalized by 15 December /28/201513
Management restructuring Appointed new Head of Centre, wef 13 August Professionals ( 4 Social workers and 3 nurses) transferred to NKCC Two additional nurses assumed duty on 1 Sept experienced officials exchanged from Old Kmb CC & Social Re-integration 1 SCO: Security Systems, 1 SCO: HR Administration and 4 Unit Managers restructured. Await replacement of CC Operational Support. Second phase of exchange of 30 experienced male officials with 30 female officials, to be finalized by 15 December 2010
Categorisation of offenders In reaction of the instruction of Head Office no offenders were transferred. Offenders admitted were classified as mediums, however, the classification tool was manipulated and maximums were reclassified to be transferred. An intervention unit has been established for offenders with difficult behavior. The Centres’ units were demarcated to house different categories together, i.e first offenders, e.g. 10/28/201515
DPW-DCS Service Level Agreement Commissioner has signed off the proposed amendments to the Service Level Agreement submitted by NDPW Consultation with NDPW will take place to finalise sign off in /28/201516
Loss of the centre’s master key Investigation of lost keys has formed part of the 03 August 2010 investigation. Order has been placed at the suppliers, awaits delivery. 10/28/201517