Omega dataset available on PSA until today B. Gondet (Ω/MEX) MEx orbit: T = 6.5 hrs ~ 100 orbits / month ~ 5500 orbits Variety of local times OMEGA has operated over ~1300 orbits
Omega dataset available on PSA until today B. Gondet (Ω/MEX) Orbit number from 6 to 2526 January 2004 to december 2005
Mission start Ls=330° End of the dataset Ls=350°
OMEGA dataset: 662 orbits covering one Martian year, from N mid-winter (L s =330) to N mid-winter (L s =350) N springN summer N fallN winter Solar conjunction Marsis antenna deployment mission start
Global coverage
High resolution coverage
Sun elevation i < 0° 0 < i < 15° 15° < i <30° I > 30° Pericenter latitude Orbit number
52 orbits over the south pole Ls (°) Orbit’s number
204 orbits over the north pole Ls (°) Orbit’s number
swath widthmodealtitude 16high res.< 300 km 32medium/high res. 300 km 950km 64global mapping 950 km 1550 km 128global mapping1550 km – 4000 km OMEGA scanning modes
swath widthmodealtitude 16high res. (~ 300m)< 300 km 32medium/high res. 300 km 950km 64global mapping 950 km 1550 km 128global mapping (2 – 5 km)1550 km – 4000 km OMEGA scanning modes
OMEGA naming convention ORBnnnn_x.QUB data cube ORBnnnn_x.NAV navigation associated nnnn = orbit number x = cube number (from 0 to j) (one cube per mode but also one cube per integration time)
OMEGA baseline pointing mode
Nadir pointing (typical mode SEA > 5°) with cross-track offsets
Orbit 61
Special observations LIMBS EPF Phobos
surface + limb A B C A-B: surface mapping B-C: atmospheric mapping α α < ~ 30 ° S/C: 3 axis stabilized
Special observations: limbs 313 observations
Fixed targeted areas (point tracking, or EPF) A B C
Special observations : EPF
orbit #distance (km)px size (m)phase angle ( °) 756_ m _ m47.2 Special observations : Phobos
Observations examples
spectra examples
Longitude : Latitude : 5.55S-4.45S Albedo (1.3µm) Hydratation criterion slope criterion Associated spectrum
Longitude : Latitude : 5.55S-4.45S Albedo (1.3µm) Hydratation criterion slope criterion Associated spectrum HRSC
Longitude : Latitude : 5.55S-4.45S Albedo (1.3µm) Hydratation criterion slope criterion Associated spectra HRSC