U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Mega-File Data Cube (MFDC) Concept and Preparation Jun Xiong, Prasad, Pardha Nov 21th, 2013, Flagstaff
Landsat GLS 2000 data 30 m, one time for nominal year 2000 MODIS NDVI data 250 m, monthly maximum value composite (MVC) for nominal year 2000 (taken from year ) MODIS B1 and B2 data 250 m, monthly band 1 (red) and band 2 (NIR) for nominal year 2000 (taken from year ) Secondary Data Elevation (GDEM, 30 m), precipitation 40 yr average (CRU, 50 km), AVHRR skin temperature (10 km), potential ET based on 100 yr climate data (100 km) Mega-File Data Cube (MFDC) of the World Baseline Data Infrastructure Composed as Single MFDC U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of Interior
U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Mega-File Data Cube (MFDC) Global Landsat GLS 2000
Region NameSensorScenesFormatSingle-BandTotal Size AfricaETM891Erdas img (ige)144 GB720 GB AsiaETM1651Erdas img (ige)366 GB1830 GB AustraliaETM224Erdas img (ige)39 GB195 GB EuropeETM640Erdas img (ige)67 GB335 GB Middle-eastETM193Erdas img (ige)37 GB185 GB North-AmericaETM900Erdas img (ige)133 GB665 GB South-AmericaETM709Erdas img (ige)79 GB395 GB *Data Access through ftp (either from USGS or NEX). Please contact Jun Xiong For data and any feedbacks are welcome !Jun Xiong Landsat GLS 2000 Data of the World Number of Images and Data Volumes for the 7 Regions of the World U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of Interior
SensorData SetsUnitsScale factor Data Type Fill Value Valid Range TM/ETM+ Band3 REDTOA reflectance (-)0.001int Band 4 NIRTOA reflectance (-)0.001int Band 5 MIRTOA reflectance (-)0.001int Band 6 THM*Radiometric temperature (K)0.1int ALL NDVI**Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 0.001int Note: * Radiometric temperature (THM) band will be released soon because of insufficient disk space. ** NDVI band is not ready yet for the same reason. Hopeful every group can do it yourself using Band 4 and Band 3. Landsat GLS 2000 Data of the World Spectral Bands and Derived data Considered and their Characteristics U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of Interior
Landsat GLS 2000 Data of Asia 1651 Scene Mosaic of Africa Depicted as False Color Composite (FCC) 1. Mosaic of 1651 Landsat ETM+ images 2. Depicted in FCC: 4,3,5 (RGB) 3. Missing images are areas where there is absolutely no croplands 4. Projection: Geographic 5. Datum: WGS84 U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of Interior
Figure: GLS-2000 Mosaic of the NIR-R-MIR (4,3,5) bands combination in Africa (Map projection: Geographic) 891 scenes ETM Landsat GLS 2000 Data of Africa 891 Scene Mosaic of Africa Depicted as False Color Composite (FCC) 1. Mosaic of 891 Landsat ETM+ images 2. Depicted in FCC: 4,3,5 (RGB) 3. Missing images are areas where there is absolutely no croplands 4. Projection: Geographic 5. Datum: WGS84 U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of Interior
Landsat GLS 2000 Data of South America 809 Scene Mosaic of Africa Depicted as False Color Composite (FCC) 1. Mosaic of 809 Landsat ETM+ images 2. Depicted in FCC: 4,3,5 (RGB) 3. Missing images are areas where there is absolutely no croplands 4. Projection: Geographic 5. Datum: WGS84 Figure: GLS-2000 Mosaic of the NIR-R-MIR (4,3,5) bands combination in South America (Map projection: Geographic) 809 scene ETM U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of Interior
Landsat GLS 2000 Data of USA 900 Scene Mosaic of Africa Depicted as False Color Composite (FCC) 1. Mosaic of 900 Landsat ETM+ images 2. Depicted in FCC: 4,3,5 (RGB) 3. Missing images are areas where there is absolutely no croplands 4. Projection: Geographic 5. Datum: WGS84 Figure: GLS-2000 Mosaic of the NIR-R-MIR (4,3,5) bands combination in North America (Map projection: Geographic) 900 scenes ETM U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of Interior
Landsat GLS 2000 Data of Europe 640 Scene Mosaic of Africa Depicted as False Color Composite (FCC) 1. Mosaic of 640 Landsat ETM+ images 2. Depicted in FCC: 4,3,5 (RGB) 3. Missing images are areas where there is absolutely no croplands 4. Projection: Geographic 5. Datum: WGS84 Figure: GLS-2000 Mosaic of the NIR-R-MIR (4,3,5) bands combination Europe (Map projection: Geographic) 640 scense ETM U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of Interior
Landsat GLS 2000 Data of Australia 224 Scene Mosaic of Africa Depicted as False Color Composite (FCC) 1. Mosaic of 224 Landsat ETM+ images 2. Depicted in FCC: 4,3,5 (RGB) 3. Missing images are areas where there is absolutely no croplands 4. Projection: Geographic 5. Datum: WGS84 Figure: GLS-2000 Mosaic of the NIR-R-MIR (4,3,5) bands combination Australia (Map projection: Geographic) 224 scenes ETM U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of Interior
Landsat GLS 2000 Data of Middle East 193 Scene Mosaic of Africa Depicted as False Color Composite (FCC) 1. Mosaic of 193 Landsat ETM+ images 2. Depicted in FCC: 4,3,5 (RGB) 3. Missing images are areas where there is absolutely no croplands 4. Projection: Geographic 5. Datum: WGS84 Figure: GLS-2000 Mosaic of the NIR-R-MIR (4,3,5) bands combination in Middle East (Map projection: Geographic) Figure: GLS-2000 Mosaic of the NIR-R-MIR (4,3,5) bands combination Middle East (Map projection: Geographic) 193 scenes ETM U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of Interior
U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Mega-File Data Cube (MFDC) Global MODIS 2000 ( )
U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Mega-File Data Cube (MFDC) MFDC Composition
MODIS: 36 bands Band 1 to band 12: MODIS b1 (red) minimum value composite (MVC); 1 band per month Band 13 to band 24: MODIS b2 (NIR) maximum value composite (MVC); 1 band per month Band 25 to band 36: MODIS NDVI maximum value composite (MVC); 1 band per month Skin Temperature: 12 bands Band 37 to band 48: AVHRR Skin Temperature (in degree kelvin); 1 band per month (based on 20 yer. Average) DEM: 1 band ● Band 49: ASTER DEM project (resolution: 30m) or GDEM project (resolution: 1km); 1 band Tree Cover (forest cover > 75%; FGT75): 1 band ● Band 50: Tree Cover > 75% (resolution: 8km); 1 band Precipitation: 1 band Band 51: 40-year-annual-mean (CRU) precipitation (resolution: 8km); 1 band Potential Evapotranspiration (PET): 1 band Band 52: 40-year-mean from CRU (resolution: 8km); 1 band Mega-File Data Cube (MFDC) of the World 52-band, nominal 250 m MFDC of the World U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of Interior
shows some images of the MFDC to give people an impression how the data looks like (in preparation) Example of MODIS-250m Mega Cube for Africa, 2000 Mega-File Data Cube (MFDC) of the Africa 52-band, nominal 250 m MFDC of the World U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of Interior
U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Mega-File Data Cube (MFDC) MFDC Data Access
1. The MFDC is harmonized, standardized, moasaced and stored in USGS GFSAD30 drive. 2. Access to this data for other team members is currently worked out. 3. Contact: Jun XiongJun Xiong data use: only for GFSAD30 team members only. Strictly NOT to be shared. Mega-File Data Cube (MFDC): Data Access ftp://ftpext.usgs.gov/pub/wr/az/flagstaff/jxiong U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of Interior
U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Mega-File Data Cube (MFDC) MFDC Documentation
Mega-File Data Cube (MFDC): Documentation Currently in Preparation; Will be Released to Team Members U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of Interior
U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Mega-File Data Cube (MFDC) MFDC Contact
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