HUNTING By Kip Nowers
Why Hunt Get outdoors, become one with nature Spend time with those you love, no better way to bond as a family Difficult, challenging, fun, pure adrenaline Food, not from the store
Responsibilities Take and pass the state’s hunter safety course There are many places to take the course go to Learn the ethics of hunting How to safely use and carry a gun Rules and laws associated with handling a gun
Hunting Tags Determine what you would like to hunt and where Determine what your choice of weapon will be Apply for the tag or multiple tags
Preparation Practice with your weapon Know the area which you will be hunting, along with private property which may be illegal to hunt on Know the restrictions, laws of the land and hunting ethics
Preparation Continued Collect the appropriate dress and apparel Collect the equipment and necessities For a successful hunt, scout the area
The Hunt The sport of hunting, timing, preparation, and luck Excitement, pure adrenaline and fun times Playing on natures field Excitement, adrenaline, memories and fun