By Matt Kovesdy
The Second Amendment states… “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” What does that say? Background Knowledge
In the state of Ohio… 21 years old Ohio resident for 45 days US resident for 30 days 12 hour course for a Certificate of Competency Sheriffs office to apply Background Check Receive your certificate How Are Firearms Obtained?
Approximately 30% of American households possess at least one firearm. How Many People Have Guns?
For every 100,000 people in the United States….. 3.98 are killed by homicide using a firearm 5.92 commit suicide using a firearm .52 are killed in a firearm accident Only about.10% Doesn’t sound THAT bad right? American Firearm Deaths
Italy is the country closest to America in relation to gun-related violence. For every 100,000 people in Italy…. .81 are killed by homicide 1.01 commit suicide .07 are killed in gun-related accidents About.02% But…
American children under the age of 15…. Are 16% more likely to be involved in gun-related violence than the following 25 industrialized countries COMBINED. Children and Guns
In 2009, 5% of high school kids admitted to carrying a gun to school in the past month alone.. Columbine, Kent State, Virginia Tech, Chardon, and Colorado Movie Theatre were all done by people under the age of 24. High School Kids and Younger Adults
Gun related violence peaked in 1993 17,095 were killed in gun-related homicide Leveled off in 1999 10,117 were killed in gun-related homicide Been increasing slowly every year since Recent History
Last year…. 11,346 were killed by gun-related violence. 477,040 were injured with relation to guns Today in America
In 2007… 59 people lost their lives due to gun-related violence Why? Very minimal guns! Cops don’t even carry guns The United Kingdom
Banning guns is unrealistic. What would happen if we did? People would be in better shape Many less lives lost Less crime Outraged Americans Change…?
Outraged Americans…
In order to decrease gun violence… Make it harder to obtain weapons Have people vouch for you Place sensors into newly made guns Only cops have devices to track them Don’t allow them in certain places Bars? Malls and movie theatres Set by owners NOT government officials What CAN We Do?
Don’t sell weapons online Anyone can get them Colorado movie theatre shooter Explosives? Don’t sell automatic weapons Used at ranges Unnecessary for households Used in most mass shootings Also...
The End
Bannon, Brad. "Gun Control and Gun Rights." US News. U.S.News & World Report, 24 Oct Web. 31 Oct "Children and Guns | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry." Children and Guns | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. National Health Information Network, n.d. Web. 04 Nov "Deaths and Mortality." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 19 Oct Web. 04 Nov Dollard, Pat. "Ted Nugent: Empire State Shooting An Example of Failed Gun Controlâ Pat Dollard." Pat Dollard RSS. N.p., 24 Aug Web. 26 Nov Gabor, Thomas. "Gun Deaths - International Comparisons." Gun Facts. Gun Control Network, n.d. Web. 04 Nov "Gun Control: 2012 Contenders' Views." Gun Control: 2012 Contenders' Views. On the Issues, n.d. Web. 31 Oct "Gun Control." GunCite: Gun Control and Second Amendment Issues. N.p., 24 Mar Web. 31 Oct Works Cited
Kirell, Andrew. "Obama Talks Gun Control: AK-47s Belong In The Hands Of Soldiers, Not In The Hands Of Criminals." Mediaite Obama Talks Gun Control AK47s Belong In The Hands Of Soldiers Not In The Hands Of Criminals Comments. Mediaite, 25 July Web. 26 Nov "Maryland Hunter's Ed Course." Official Maryland Hunter Safety Course. The State of Maryland, n.d. Web. 26 Nov News, Dylan Stableford, Yahoo! "Read James Holmes' Rejected Grad School Application Letter." Yahoo! News. Yahoo!, 30 Aug Web. 26 Nov "Ohio Cease Fire." Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence. N.p., 14 Nov Web. 26 Nov “Press Releases." Harvard School of Public Health. N.p., 10 Apr Web. 04 Nov "PressTV - UK Police Officer Faces Court for Assaulting Black Teen." Press Press TV, 10 May Web. 26 Nov Works Cited