Lingnan University Library Sept
Books, journals, newspapers & AV materials Searched by Library online catalogue Search by 1-Search searchbox searchbox E-resources: Databases, E-Journals, Selected Internet Resources Subject Guides Citation Tools
Library Online Catalogue Subject Guides AV materials, E-Databases, E- Journals, Selected Internet Resources 1-Search
Step 1 – Identify key concepts E.g. e-commerce in Hong Kong Main concepts: e-commerce, Hong Kong Step 2 – Selection of search words Related words/synonyms e-commerce: e-commerce, electronic commerce, e-business, electronic business Hong Kong: Hong Kong, hongkong, hk,
Step 3 – Search command Use “AND/OR” ○ E.g. e-commerce in Hong Kong Truncation ( retrieves all variant endings of that word) ○ E.g. electr* (electronic, electric, electricity etc.) Parentheses ( ) : gives priority and order in the search statement ○ E.g. (e-commerce or electronic commerce) and Hong Kong
Keyword (e-commerce or electronic commerce or e- business or electronic business) and (hk or hong kong or hongkong) Subject search electronic commerce -- china -- hong kong Search for: e-commerce in Hong Kong
One single search box Many different types of contents Facet refine At the testing stage Welcome to try Report problems to us 7
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Databases Bibliographic Databases - contains descriptive information (citation and subject headings) for publications, such as books, periodical articles, & government documents, etc. Full-text Databases - contains the partial or complete text of works, such as articles, books, poems, and essays.
10 Click “Databases” from the Quick Links
11 Choose database by subject e.g. Accountancy; Finance & Insurance; Computing & Decision Sciences; Management; Marketing & International Business This page consists of databases, e-books, e-journals, and other electronic resources available on the Library website. Most of the databases can be accessed online in and outside the Library while some can be accessed through dedicated workstations inside the Library only.
E-Databases Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost) ○ Search for E-commerce in Hong Kong Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Factiva ○ Search for E-commerce in Hong Kong Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Hoover’s online ○ Search for Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings
E-Journals Library subscribed e-journals Journals available in the databases Coverage Available in databases
Selected internet resources
15 Business Studies
Cite Sources: &sid= &sid= RefWorks: // nit&groupcode=RWLingnanUL Citation Builder (from NCSU Libraries) 17
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