How to Log-in to EPIC for the First Time
to FY 2015 Form 471 Authorized Signer Looks Like:
Go to this URL for EPIC Log-In:
Epic Log-In Screen Looks Like:
What Are Your EPIC Log-In Credentials? Username = FY 2015 Form 471 Authorized Signer’s Address – Must be official school or library address Password = There is no Password! Click on “Forgot Password”
Password Reset After you click ‘Request Password Reset’, the system will send a temporary link to that e- mail address (which is only valid for 15 min.) Click on the temporary link which will take you to this screen:
Password Reset The system will then display this screen stating that your password has been reset and that you may now log-in to EPIC:
Now Log-in to EPIC
Next Step? Set-Up Users In future messages, I will explain how the Account Administrator will set up Users for your school or library – Each User will be assigned various permissions by the Account Administrator – Only the Account Administrator can set up and change Users for your Billed Entity