WELCOME to the QSNY Portal Public School Self-Study 1
On line system for completing and submitting your self-study. You can work on your self-study when you need to Saved information is available for you any time. Secure; Access to your information is by your and password. Keeps you organized; Self-study files are in one place! QUALITYstarsNY Portal Self-Study 2P.S. Self Study
Logging On You will need to enter the same address and password that you used when you completed the QUALITYstarsNY application. If you forget your password and need to reset it, click here. When you get the password in your , make sure to copy and paste it into the password box. (You may reset the password to your choosing when you get into the Portal and go to “My Account Information”) 3P.S. Self Study
Getting Started Select the Self-Study tab 4P.S. Self Study
Getting Started with your Self-Study Your site name will appear under Site Name. Your license number appears next to site name.* Select “Start a Self Study” to get started. * If you do not see your site name for the self-study, contact the QSNY office and ask if the application has been Selected. 5P.S. Self Study
Using the Wizard The portal provides two ways for you to navigate through the Self-study. 1.You can you use the Self-Study Wizard to move from one self- study component to another 2.You can use the “Next” button to go to the next Self-Study Component. 6 P.S. Self Study
Site Information There are two sections to complete on this screen: Site information and Site Profile. Site Information: Your School’s name, license number, license capacity and address from your QUALITYstarsNY application will appear. You will need to enter: Phone Principal name School District Contact Hours and Days of Operation Primary language spoken by staff The Self-study date is the date you begin your self-study. It will be entered for you and will not change. 7P.S. Self Study
Site Profile The second section of the Site Information screen is the Site Profile. * means that this is a required field for your self study. Program Type *: Your program type is selected for you. Site Conditions*: Select all options that apply to your site. Program Attributes: Select all options that apply to your site. 8P.S. Self Study
Staff Roster The Staff Roster is a listing of all teaching and on-site administrative staff. You will need to enter at least one staff person. Please provide staff member’s full name and select position that best reflects that staff member from the drop down menu. You will need to provide the staff member’s hire date(s). This information helps us to calculate retention points To save, select Insert. 9P.S. Self Study
10 Staff Qualifications and Experience Form QUALITYstarsNY requires on-site administrative and teaching staff to fill out the following form and provide copies of supporting documentation to verify staff qualifications and experience. Click this link to download the form. The forms and documentation should be mailed in one package to the QUALITYstarsNY Coordinating Agency. P.S. Self Study
Staff Roster Once you have inserted a staff name, you have the option to Edit or Delete. 11P.S. Self Study
Qualifications and Experience: Administrators The number of Administrators you have listed in the Staff Roster will appear on this page. Select the HIGHEST level of Qualifications/Experience for the number of administrative staff listed on the staff roster. Use Edit to enter the number of administrative staff meeting the standards and then Update to add. Use Cancel to erase your selection. A total number of points earned for Administrators will be calculated for you. To enter Teacher’s Qualifications and Experience, click the Teachers’ Qualification’s button. 12 P.S. Self Study
Qualifications and Experience: Teachers The number of Teachers you have listed in the Staff Roster will appear on this page. Select the HIGHEST level of Qualifications/ Experience for the number of teaching staff listed on the staff roster. Use Edit to enter the number of Teachers meeting the standards and then Update to add. Use Cancel to erase your selection. A total number of points earned for Teachers will be calculated for you. To enter Teaching Assistants’ Qualifications, click the Teaching Assistants’ Qualifications button. 13 P.S. Self Study
Qualifications and Experience: Teaching Assistants The number of Teaching Assistants you have listed in the Staff Roster will appear on this page. Select the HIGHEST level of Qualifications/Experience for the number of teaching assistant staff listed on the staff roster. Use Edit to enter the number of staff meeting the standards and then Update to add. Use Cancel to erase your selection. A total number of points earned for Teaching Assistants will be calculated for you. Click on Retention to see your points earned. 14P.S. Self Study
Retention WELS will calculate retention for you based on the number of teachers you have entered in the Staff Roster and their hire dates. The retention points earned will be displayed on this screen. 15P.S. Self Study
Qualifications and Experience: Potential Points Earned Based on the number of staff you have entered for each position, the Portal will provide you with a summary of points earned for Qualifications and Experience. 16P.S. Self Study
Groups You will need to create a group by providing the group name and selecting the age group from the drop down menu. (Group refers to a distinct grouping of children instructed together. For example, “Preschool Classroom”) You will also need to add the group’s capacity. To save your entry, you will need to select Add Group. 17P.S. Self Study
Group Self-Study Once you have created a group, you can now enter the results from your ERS Self- study. You need to select the Group you created for the observation and the Rating Scale used from the drop down menus. 18P.S. Self Study
Group Self Study Enter the item scores for each subscale from your completed ERS score sheet. As you enter your item scores, you will see the total score for each subscale. You will need to verify the scores and rating by copying and entering what has been calculated for you. You will also need to this verify the total score and rating. SAVE your work by clicking the Save Classroom Self-Assessment 19 ***The Group Self-study section is optional. Only complete if using the Portal to enter the self-study. P.S. Self Study
20 Saving your Group Self-study To get points for completing the ERS self-study in the Portal, you must create a copy of the Assessment Report. Save the Assessment Report to your files. You will use this file as your source of evidence for Standard CE 2. P.S. Self Study
Checklists There are 3 checklists for the Self- Study. You can choose any one to begin. You will be able to upload documentation for each indicator. The Portal has a library for you to keep all the documents you want to include as your sources of evidence. To assist you with the standards, QUALITYstarsNY has developed a Resource Guide. To access the guide, click on the link and you will be directed to the QUALITYstarsNY website. 21P.S. Self Study
Checklists To activate the Documents Library to upload your documentation, you must first SAVE. You will need to do this step for each of the 3 checklists. Click Add Files under the standard indicator for which you wish to upload your documentation/source of evidence. 22P.S. Self Study
Checklists: Documentation When you click to Add Files, the Documents Library will appear at the top of the checklist and the selected indicator along with the required source of evidence will appear in gray. To add your document, click Add New Document. Label your document with the Indicator Code (C2 ), File title (Parent Handbook) and page numbers, if applicable. Example: C2 Parent Handbook, p.14 23P.S. Self Study
Checklists: Document Library Select the Browse button to locate your document file. Then click Upload to add the document to the Documents Library. The name of the file for this indicator will be checked. 24P.S. Self Study
Checklists: Documentation Now Link File(s) to Standard. Your named file will now appear as your source of evidence for the selected indicator. Next, check the checkbox in the answer column next to the indicator. You will notice that the standard will change from Not Met to Met. Now SAVE the checklist. This will give you points for uploading the source of evidence and will ensure that your work has been saved. 25 Note: You can open the file from the indicator to view the file. P.S. Self Study
Checklists: Add/Remove Files 26 To Remove a File To remove a file from a particular standard, click Add/Remove under the standard indicator. Next, UN-check the unwanted documentation from the Documents Library and click Link File(s) to Standard the Documents Library. To remove the document from your documents library, click show details under the document and then click the X. To remove the points for this standard UN-CHECK the checkbox in the Answer column and then SAVE the checklist. P.S. Self Study
Self Study Summary The Portal provides a Site Self Study Summary based on your entries in the previous screens. You can go back to any of the checklists to review or make edits by using the Wizard navigation feature or clicking the “Previous” button. There is a link for information about how your self study points are calculated on the QUALITYstarsNY website. You can go there by clicking on this link. 27P.S. Self Study
View and Print You are able to view, print, and save your Self-study. If you need to go back to your self-study, select Return to Application. 28P.S. Self Study
Submit When you are confident that your self-study is complete, click to Submit Self-Study for Approval. ***You will not be able to get back into the self-study to make edits once you have submitted without QUALITYstarsNY administrative assistance. You will then see this message. Within a few minutes of submitting your self-study, you will also receive an confirming its receipt. If you do not receive this message, contact: Ariel Davis at or call 29P.S. Self Study