South Dakota Assessment Portal Step by Step Instructions for Teachers Presented By: Jackie Jessop Rising – Gavin Woltjer – 1
South Dakota Teaching Assessment Portal Goals To gain an understanding of the SDAP Create, Develop, and Publish Tests Retrieve Student Data 2
Problems? If you have questions or problems, please contact your TESTING COORDINATOR. They will be able to notify emetrics. 3
Training Web Address For training purposes, please go to the following web address: 4
Assessment Portal at School Site Web Address Use the following web address to access actual Assessment Portal site: 5
Additional Information All directions below can be accessed from the HELP link on the HOME PAGE, or at the FAQ link located in the box on the right hand side of the screen 7
HELP and FAQ Help Guides (TestBuilder, iTester, Data Interaction) Help Videos (TestBuilder, iTester) If you still have not found what you are looking for, you can your question directly to eMetrics. 8
Additional Information Classes at school site will be preloaded by Testing Coordinator South Dakota Assessment Portal is replacing the Achievement Series. Please be patient as we work together to work out all the kinks. 9
Before We Start PLEASE STAY ON THE SAME SCREEN AS THE PRESENTER – we do not have the time to help individuals who skip ahead. Do not be afraid to stop the presentation at any time if you have questions that is why we are here! 10
Creating Classes Start on the SDAP home page. Click on the iTester logo. In the DROP DOWN MENU located at the top right (CURRENTLY WORKING IN) select the SUBJECT for which you want to create classes. 11
Creating Classes Choose the green CLASSES tab on the left-hand side of the screen. Click CREATE NEW CLASS in the upper right-hand corner of the dialog box. 12
Creating Classes Select TEACHER NAME from list. Type in CLASS NAME. (This will help you identify the group of students.) Select CONTENT AREA for class. 13
Creating Classes Select a GRADE under FILTERS. Select STUDENTS from the box on LEFT and ADD them to the box on RIGHT. Use FILTERS to narrow down student search. You may add students on an individual basis, or by adding batches of students by holding down the CONTROL key and clicking on the individual name of each student. 14
Creating Classes When finished creating class, click the SAVE button located between the left and right boxes. 15
Editing Classes Edit a class within iTester Select SUBJECT for which you want to edit in the DROP DOWN MENU at the top right: CURRENTLY WORKING IN 16
Editing Classes Choose green CLASSES tab. Select class you wish to edit in the middle box, click on VIEW DETAILS. 17
Editing Classes Click EDIT CLASS in the upper right hand of the middle dialog box. Use filters to narrow list of students. 18
Editing Classes Select students from LEFT to ADD to class; select students from RIGHT to REMOVE from class. After changes, click SAVE. 19
Choosing Items from Item Bank Choose items within TestBuilder Click on the purple ITEMS tab 20
Choosing Items from the Items Bank Choose which GROUP you wish to take an item from Choose LANGUAGE ARTS-STATE 21
Choosing Items from Item Bank Select an item (question) by clicking on the SHARE OPTION 22
Choosing Items from the Items Bank NAME new (shared) Item Select where you wish to STORE SHARED ITEM (choose personal item bank) Click DONE 23
Creating Forms (Test) Within TestBuilder Click on the purple FORMS tab 24
What does it all mean? Test is the process of assessment. Form is the actual test. Session is the directions. Example: Answer these questions by choosing the best option. Sections are the actual items to be on the test. To make multiple forms, create multiple sections. To schedule a makeup test, do another session. 25
Creating Forms (Test) Choose which GROUP you want to house the form in. Choose ALL STANDARDS IN FORMATIVE PROGRAM. Click CREATE FORM. 26
Creating Forms (Test) Type in a UNIQUE FORM NAME and optional DESCRIPTION. Select the STANDARDS ALIGNMENT for the form you are creating. Select the CONTENT AREA for the form you are creating. 27
Creating Forms (Test) Click on SESSION DIRECTIONS to add directions for the session/form Click +ITEMS button to add items to the sections of the form 28
Creating Forms (Test) Use the filters to narrow down the list of items. This list of items will contain all items created by you, or shared with you, including state formative items. 29
Creating Forms (Test) Use the MAGNIFYING GLASS ICON to view a PREVIEW of a specific item. Click on the ITEM to ADD to the FORM; selected item will then be shown in a gray shade. 30
Creating Forms (Test) Once all items have been added to the form, click on the X on the OVERLAY to return to the CREATE FORM page. 31
Creating Forms (Test) To REARRANGE items on the form, click and drag the item to the DESIRED LOCATION. Once finished, click the SAVE FORM. 32
Using Available Forms to Create a Test Within TestBuilder Click on the TESTS tab. 33
Using Available Forms to Create a Test: Click the CREATE TEST tab located on the left hand side. Enter a UNIQUE name for the test and optional DESCRIPTION. Choose the STANDARDS ALIGNMENT for your new test using the DROP DOWN MENU. 34
Using Available Forms to Create a Test: Choose the CONTENT AREA of your new test using the DROP DOWN MENU. Click ADD EXISTING FORM. 35
Using Available Forms to Create a Test Select the forms you would like to add to the test. A test can be comprised of one or more forms. Remember that if multiple forms are selected, then each student will be randomly assigned only ONE of these forms. 36
Using Available Forms to Create a Test Once all forms have been added to the test, click the X on the OVERLAY to return to the CREATE TEST page. After the forms have been added to the test, click SAVE. 37
Publish a Test for Scheduling You must create a test BEFORE you can publish a test. Publish a test within TestBuilder. 38
Publish a Test for Scheduling Click on the TESTS tab. Find the test you wish to schedule from the list of tests in the table and click on the PUBLISH ICON. 39
Publish a Test for Scheduling Select the COURSE you wish to administer the test to. Select the START and END DATE for which you want the test to be available for scheduling. Click PUBLISH. 40
Schedule a Test Session for a Class You must publish a test BEFORE scheduling a test. Schedule a test within iTester 41
Schedule a Test Session for a Class Click on TEST SESSIONS. Click on SCHEDULE TEST SESSIONS link on the right-hand side of the middle shaded box. 42
Schedule a Test Session for a Class Select the TYPE OF TEST you are scheduling. Select the published test from the DROP DOWN LIST. 43
Schedule a Test Session for a Class Select the FORMS that you would like to use for the administration. (Multiple forms will be spiraled throughout the class: student 1 gets FORM 1, student 2 gets FORM 2, etc.) 44
Schedule a Test Session for a Class Select the STUDENT CLASSES that you are scheduling for the test. 45
Schedule a Test Session for a Class Designate the TEST WINDOW. The students will only be able to log in to take a test during the date and times listed here. 46
Schedule a Test Session for a Class OPTIONAL: If you would like to distribute unique usernames to every student for the formative test, click on the checkbox that says USE SINGLE PASSWORD FOR ALL STUDENTS. When this box is checked, each student will use the SIMS ID as a username and the common password to login to take their test. Click SCHEDULE TEST SESSION 47
View Details/Print Student Logins for a Scheduled Test You must schedule a test BEFORE you can view details of a scheduled test session. View Details/Print Student Logins within iTester. 48
View Details/Print Student Logins for a Scheduled Test Click TEST SESSIONS. Use the filters to access the list of SCHEDULED TESTS AVAILABLE TO YOU. 49
View Details/Print Student Logins for a Scheduled Test Click on VIEW DETAILS/STUDENT LOGINS. The table will then display each student’s username and password to access the test. 50
View Details/Print Student Logins for a Scheduled Test You may also click the blue PRINT STUDENT TEST LOGINS (Avery Label 5160) link to open a document that is preformatted to print on the specified Avery labels for easy distribution of usernames and passwords in the classroom. 51
Creating Items (Questions and Answers) and Defining Item Properties Create items within TestBuilder Click the purple ITEMS tab. 52
Creating Items (Questions and Answers) and Defining Item Properties Choose GROUP where item will be housed. Click CREATE ITEM. OPTIONAL: Enter a STIMULUS. A stimulus may be an image or reading passage that needs to be displayed for an item. Respect all copyright laws. 53
Creating Items (Questions and Answers) and Defining Item Properties yellowed To add STIMULUS, click on the yellowed STIMULUS BOX Edit Stimulus: CREATE or USE an existing Stimulus 54
Creating Items (Questions and Answers) and Defining Item Properties Edit Stimulus: USE an existing stimulus option 55
Creating Items (Questions and Answers) and Defining Item Properties REQUIRED: Enter a STEM. The stem is the question portion of an item. REQUIRED: Enter an answer under RESPONSES. Enter up to 6 answer choices. For additional answer choices, click ADD ANSWER CHOICE. 56
Creating Items (Questions and Answers) and Defining Item Properties: To change the correct answer, click on the red text THIS RESPONSE IS NOT A CORRECT ANSWER. This will now change to a green THIS RESPONSE IS A CORRECT ANSWER. Only ONE correct answer can be selected for each item. 57
Creating Items (Questions and Answers) and Defining Item Properties: REQUIRED: Under name and description, enter a UNIQUE ITEM NAME. (NO TWO ITEMS MAY SHARE A NAME.) OPTIONAL: Enter a DESCRIPTION for the item. 58 Talk with your departments, school staff and district teams to determine the best for you.
Creating Items (Questions and Answers) and Defining Item Properties: REQUIRED: Align item to a STANDARD. Click on ADD A STANDARD and select from the LIST OF STANDARDS. 59
Creating Items (Questions and Answers) and Defining Item Properties OPTIONAL: Make TOOLS available for students when viewing this item. These tools currently include: protractor, ruler, calculator. OPTIONAL: Change the default layout of the item by changing the DROP DOWN SELECTIONS under LAYOUT. 60
Creating Items (Questions and Answers) and Defining Item Properties OPTIONAL: Items may be shared in either the PERSONAL ITEM BANK or the TEACHER FORMATIVE ITEM BANK. Once an item has been entered, click on PREVIEW to look at item or click SAVE to save item. 61
Accessing On-Line Tests There will be a shortcut on the students’ computers that looks like, click on that icon. Enter the SIMS ID and PASSWORD. Click LOGIN. 62