ABOUT ME Name: _____ _____________________ Adapated from:
My talents & interests Everyone has their own talents & interests – it’s what makes you who you are. My talents & interests Video gamesConversations that interest ArtFacts ReadingObservant for details Literature Poetry Hiding away Music
Insert messages from family, friends, peers, other adults etc
Different personality parts loyalreliabletrustworthy affectionatesensitivehumble ambitiousseriouslazy caringsillybrave thoughtfultrustingfamily oriented determinedcreativestressed forgivingintelligentoptimistic friendly disorganizedindependent generousobservantforgetful honestpolitehelpful modeststubbornLow self esteem practicalkindloveable
My Personality Everyone has a personality. I have my own individual personality that’s unique. My Personality CreativeAffectionate IntelligentAuthentic DeterminedPractical TrustworthyInsightful ObservantSincere TalentedKnowledgeable DedicatedImaginative SoftFocused QuirkyGood eye for detail IntriguingThoughtful CourteousScientific Sometimes seriousHonest IndependentRealistic Unpretentious Adapated from:
High Functioning Autism High-functioning autism (HFA) is an term that is similar to ‘Asperger’s Syndrome’ or ‘Mild Autism’. About 1 in 130 people have a form of Autism & it’s more common in boys than girls. HFA isn’t easy to explain but it is a small part of me that affects who I am. It means that sometimes I see the world differently to other people. HFA might make some things easier for me than other people… perhaps I can focus in area of strong interest for long periods of time, I might have a good memory for facts or some skills in science, music or computing and learn well from seeing. People with HFA are described as honest, dedicated & intelligent. It is likely that many famous and successful people have had HFA including Satoshi Tajiri, creator of Pokémon and possibly Bill Gates, Albert Einstien HFA also makes some things more difficult for me too.
Things that are easier Things that are more difficult Everyone has difficulties as they grow up, academic and social – my mum and dad did too! ComputerResisting peer pressure Understanding Complex things & systems Academic Good visual strengthDedication & persistence Organisational MathsFitting in CommunicationCoping with the unknown MemoryCoping with Joking around Spontaneity Adapated from:
What we can do together My family love me very much the way I am. They can help me develop my talents and interests. They can also help with some of the things that are more difficult for me because of HFA. Other people can help me too. These people are: Adapated from:
What can I do to support me? What can my family do to support me? Adapated from: