Federated Product Data Exchange Mark Reisig Federation Inc.
Centralized Approach
# 1 …difficult to manage Investors Business Daily 11/9/04 “Revolutionary and Unprecedented! DoD programs are becoming huge, global and extremely complex.” – FCS: $117B w/ 23 major contractors. – 18 new systems w/ 32 critical technologies. – 154 complimentary systems w/ 34 million lines of code. – S/W task is 5x larger than JSF and 10x larger than F/A 22. – F/A 22 is just now meeting s/w requirements after 2 decades of work. (House Armed Services Committee)
Critical Driving Factors for the A&D Industry Innovative technology is in demand and drives sales, but it’s complexity makes it very difficult to manage it’s development. Realization of the need to have an agile organization …a global need to “design anywhere, manufacture anywhere, repair anywhere.” Solving this issue is the Critical Success Factor
Multi-Enterprise Collaboration Paradigm shift in CEO priorities from cost reduction to driving growth thru innovation – 50-70% of product cost is with suppliers – Products have become complex and global – Cycle times need to be shortened – Each partner has its own PLM tools – Sub contractors cannot afford to use multiple systems Interoperability solutions need to match the autonomous nature of business
Real-Time Availability How much more effective can a company be if it can achieve real-time availability, analysis, and application of business knowledge from the members of its trading community? The supply ecosystem is enhanced when business knowledge is made available at the right place at the right time in the right form. Multi-Enterprise Collaboration is critically important to harnessing the information necessary to innovate
Degree of Commonality Implementing A Federated Architecture to Support Supply Chains – Dr. Bipin Chada 8/2/04 Degree of Commonality 0% 100% Cost Cost of deployment, maintenance, integration (quantitative, visible) Cost of coordination, inflexibility, Sub-optimization (qualitative, hidden) Disjointed Architecture Centralized Federated Architecture Centralized Architecture
The New Wall Chart
PD Integration Goal: Remove PLM Latency Time Cradle Grave T = 0 T = Retire Company A B C Company X T Lat
The PLM Financial Value Prop CTD SDD Prod O&S $ T=RProfitCost CTD SDDProd O&S $ T=RProfitCost C S Pro Federation w/o Federation
EII - Enterprise Information Integration EAI EII EDI EII – the 3 rd wave in integration solutions A plug and play solution focused in A plug and play solution focused in a specific area of integration. a specific area of integration. Sub set of FERA’s 4 patterns of Sub set of FERA’s 4 patterns of collab and it’s 7 tech components collab and it’s 7 tech components Vendor neutral Vendor neutral Evolution:
The Solution: Federated Architecture Business-ready software Plug and play PLM adapters Standards (STEP, XML, Web Services) Validation Synchronize “information,” not just data Intelligence through the use of flexible rules engine Federated Viewing
Federated Architecture Fxml Federation Server Federation Server TeamCenter Windchill Loosely coupled federation that members join to exchange product data
Multi-Enterprise Collaboration Federation Server TeamcenterEnterprise Internet WindchillMatrixOne Enovia
Federation Process NativeGeneric Federation Server Converter Read Write Federation Server Replicator Qout Qin Transport Layer Process at source site Process at target site Adapter PLM
Federation Adapters Teamcenter Enterprise 3.x, 4.x Metaphase 3.x Windchill 6.2.6, 7.x, 8.x* PTC Project Link 6.2.6, 7.x 8.x* MatrixOne 10.x Enovia LCA R14 Teamcenter Engineering 8.x* Baan PDM Share Point 2.x File System Adapter Exostar Forum Pass V2 Portal Adapter Unidirectional Oracle 9i * In development
CustomersPartners Customers / Partners
Federation Advantages Business-ready solution Low cost of ownership Makes use of off-shelf plug and play adapters Share and Synchronize “information,” not just data Intelligence through the use of flexible rules engine Real-time availability to information