Click on ARGENTINA to go to Argentina Click on USA to go to the USA ARGENTINA USA
Argentina They live on the south part of America. The teenager of Argentina like to play, watch TV and play with the computer (like any person) They don't celebrate Halloween and they drink something which name is mate. They listen too, music and the mos`t famous is: reggaton Continue were the guy is pointing
They like to read They like to play sports. They like to go outside in the environment of the farm They like sitcoms (Two and a half men, The Big Bang Theory, Friends) They celebrate the independence day on the July the 9 and the creation of the flag the 20 of June If you want to go back, click were timon is pointing
USA They live in the North of America They like to play videogames, watch tv and surfing on the internet too. They celebrate the Halloween (the children go to houses, knock in the door and say “trick or treat”. If you give them candy, they go away but if not they make you a treat) »Touch sponge bob square pant to go forward
They like to read Jules Verne's books. They hear hip hop and rap. They celebrate the independence day 4 of July. » Touch me to go back again
Now some games GAMES True or false CrosswordBye, bye
True or false The Argentina people live in the south The Usa people celebrate the independence day the 4 of July The Halloween is to pray The Mate is something to eat False False False True
Cross Word S h i a f s w a q r t f b f e c u s v a p e r t y l r l t s i t c o m s c a g y a f a a f v h l e n r g v g t a a h m a p r e g a n eet t v g n a i a a s d g r w n c t b b t h t a v m o a l usa flag mate sitcoms Hip hop reggaton teenager
It was good, now bye bye (I am not good at goodbyes ) It was a pleasure to meet you Casey, you are a good guy and a good person »We will se again, but for now good bye
Bye my friend