The cost of Jesus’ consecration John 18. 1. The cost to Jesus a. The struggle of Gethsemane – v.1 Lk.22:39-46 b. The betrayal of Judas – v.2-11 c. His.


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Presentation transcript:

The cost of Jesus’ consecration John 18

1. The cost to Jesus a. The struggle of Gethsemane – v.1 Lk.22:39-46 b. The betrayal of Judas – v.2-11 c. His arrest & trials – treated as a criminal - before the Jewish leaders – 12-14, before the Jewish leaders – 12-14, before Roman authorities – v before Roman authorities – v d. Peter denies him – v.15-18,25-27 e. Rejection by the crowd – v There is a cost to doing God’s will

2. The steadfastness of Jesus a. Facing the soldiers – v.3,4 - his astonishing claim – v.5,6 cf. 8:58,59 - his astonishing claim – v.5,6 cf. 8:58,59 - protecting his disciples – v protecting his disciples – v.8-11 b. Facing his judges - challenging the High Priest – v challenging the High Priest – v calmly answering Pilate – v calmly answering Pilate – v c. Advancing to his death – v.11,32

3. The contrast of 2 kingdoms a. The world – The focus is on power, position, success etc. It is centred on ME b. The kingdom of God – Jesus has a different focus:- 1. Doing God’s will – even if it means death 1. Doing God’s will – even if it means death 2. Truth – even standing alone 2. Truth – even standing alone 3. Serving others – even if that brings suffering & rejection 3. Serving others – even if that brings suffering & rejection 4. Loving others – even those who deny, betray & reject you 4. Loving others – even those who deny, betray & reject you

4. Your response We need to recognize that we can know God’s salvation because of:- a. God’s grace – it is a costly grace b. Jesus doing his Father’s will:- - not counting the cost - not counting the cost - looking to the outcome – Heb.12:2 - looking to the outcome – Heb.12:2 c. Us trusting in Jesus & what he did We are called to be:- a. Messengers of this Good News of salvation b. Followers in Jesus’ footsteps